Month: March 2019

Oh, So That’s What Intersectionality Means?!

I have long been confused by the term “intersectionality”–mainly because it constitutes nothing but modern cultural Marxist blather–but thanks to the astute and pretentious students (that is an admission requirement) at Notre Dame, I’ve finally figured it out. BuzzFeed is reporting that a mother wrote a letter against female students wearing leggings to Mass. Per…
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The Persecution of Jussie Smollett

Oh, the terrible injussieness–sorry injustice–of the whole episode! How long really could the Socialist Republic of Cook and its capital, Chicago, carry on this persecution of poor Jussie without recognizing that the rule of law is so dead and buried here that a black, homosexual actor would have to receive some sort of preferential treatment…
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God’s Game: Baseball or Golf?

What a wormhole I opened up here! The genesis of it (pun intended) emerged from the time and season: Baseball is opening and the Players’ tournament just ended with the Masters on the horizon. My initial entry point was just to mark and compare the good, the true and the beautiful of both sports. Which…
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Ecce Fidelis Servus, Sanctus Ioseph

A Blessed Feast Day of St. Joseph, to all Fathers, to all Good Priests, to all Workers, to all Men. __________ For several months now, I’ve been taking my kids to St. Mary of the Angels Church in Bucktown, Chicago for Mass. If you are unaware of St. Mary’s and live in the Chicago area,…
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Netfilx’s GODLESS is Divine

Don’t let the title fool you. And, don’t let the fact that everybody and their aunt has a new TV series for you to stream prohibit you from watching the best of the best. Netflix’s Godless is just that. Godless, an eight-part miniseries, features everything you could want, meaning the most necessary ingredients of historical…
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Kid Prison–And I’m Not Talking About Juvie…

Bryan Caplan misnamed his recent tour-de-force on the failures of the American education system. The Case Against Education should be entitled The Case Against Schooling, as the great Gene Epstein has pointed out. Still, Caplan’s research and arguments lead to the ultimate conclusions that Brett Veinotte at the SchoolSucks Project and Tom Woods among others have…
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The Fate of the Future: The Prescience of Murray Rothbard

Already, within a week of the launch of Hot H2O History, two subscribers (special shout-out to one emerging and new convert to libertarianism hailing from Milwaukee) have asked, then inquired, then demanded that I address those who are first being exposed to libertarianism, anarcho-capitalism and Austrian economics by offering something of an introduction to it…
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A Blessed Ash Wednesday to All–From Indiana Jones and Me…

Fr. Strebola, O.P. really got me today. A blessed and holy Lent to all Christians. Remember that we are dust and to dust we shall return: We thirst for His grace and salvation. *Henry Jones Sr. and Indy were right in The Last Crusade: Only the penitent man will pass.

The “People’s” Republic of Chicago… And the People Could Not Care Less

When the question–as the question has been framed for not years but decades now–is no longer, “What policies do the differing candidates possess?”, and has instead become, “Which of the candidates is the least corrupt in the robber-cabal?”, or, “Which one is going to be slowest and most inefficient in stealing from me?”, that’s the…
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Misandry and Its Discontents and Its Injustices

Cassie Jaye deserves some sort of medal, award or honor. Sure, it took heroic courage to release The Red Pill. But, all the more impressive was that–though she identified herself as a feminist at the start of the project–she ultimately came to recognize the axiomatic religiosity of radical, second wave feminism; that it is nothing…
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