Month: June 2019

New Tuttle Twins Book on Actual Education

Connor Boyack and Elijah Stanfield have done it again–this time advancing liberty through daring to question the last true American Church= public education. A must read for adults and kids alike. John Taylor Gatto’s thoughts and insights distilled into an entertaining and imminently readable 50-plus pages. Click here to check it out–and help out HotH20History…
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Kind of Creeped Out By the FSP

OK, so I have shared with people in the past my admiration for the Free State Project in New Hampshire. The idea itself is marvelous–get a bunch of freedom-loving libertarians to move to a state already friendly to the liberty movement and engender some significant change in advancing free markets for free people. Hell, I…
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The Anti-Graduation Speech

       Since we are, due to our shared human nature, of equal dignity in the eyes of God, each one of us loved into existence and life of exponentially greater worth than the most brilliant star and—for that matter, the entire inanimate universe itself—I refrain today from the expected and altogether banal greetings…
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