Month: December 2019

German Cosmologist Questions the Popular Certainty of Climate Change

Dr. Sabine Hossenfelder has gone so far as to demand greater accuracy in the doomsday models on climate change. In short, “the science” is far from “settled”. But, then again, when is it ever? Hear more on the subject from the Bob Murphy Show. Read more, from the New York Times of all places, here.

While Greta Was Away…

So, what has been going on in dear Greta’s homeland while she’s been ditching school excoriating the rest of humanity for daring to raise themselves out of abject poverty? A Swedish mother carrying her 1-year old was shot in the head. Radicalized Muslim gangs have taken over significant cities in the country and engaged in…
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The 2010s Have Been Awesome, BUT…

Wall Street Journal Article …IF ONLY States and political entrepreneurs would get their dirty boots off of the neck of the free market and allow the enterprising and voluntary spirit to reign once more, the decade and future would be ever more brilliant. Oh, and let’s not forget that this has been accomplished while the…
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Metanoia Oxford Debate on the Civil War

*Decide the resolution for the epic, Oxford-style, APUSH debate, pitting APUSH 03 vs. APUSH 09 *Polls close at midnight, December 18, 2019. Gen-Pop Poll APUSH Student Poll Results There are three components/voices determining the nature of the debate, i.e. resolution, PRO/CON sides. They are: 1) General public vote, 2) APUSH Student Only Vote, and 3)…
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Capitalism is the Crane-Kick to Socialism’s Cobra (Kai) Effect

Regarding the unintended and not-so-unintended consequences of public, state action, Foundation for Economic Education scholars Antony Davies and James Harrigan discuss the Cobra Effect from colonial India, air pollution in Mexico, and oil production (or lack thereof) in Venezuela. No time to read the whole piece? Check out the ineffable Seamus Coughlin’s great cartoon on…
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Clintons–With Chelsea in Tow–Visited the Epstein Compound

Watch this story get buried by the left consensus media faster than the actual Epstein.

Cuba, Communism and Christus Rex

  This is a good homily from a great priest, who meets Christ’s people where they are. My comments/points of clarification on it follow: Communism is never directed–by its nature–toward the preferential option for the poor, toward authentic charity, toward true Christian freedom, toward Christ Himself Who was killed by a totalitarian regime. Its essence…
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A Nuanced Pitch on Slavery That Nonetheless Destroys the 1619 Project

Not that a broad audience is capable of hearing a nuanced and multi-faceted argument on the nature of slavery in the Antebellum South, but maybe my audience is? Fingers-crossed? Unfortunately, the New York Times Magazine’s 1619 Project and poor historians of “new capitalism” have only added to the singular note of confusion that reigns today. Want…
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