Month: September 2020

Not So Funny Business: Is Seinfeld’s New York (Or Chicago) Dead?

All due deference to the man who is the namesake of and one of the geniuses behind the greatest American sit-com about nothing, but in the recent war/argument/discussion/exchange/girly-slapfest over the status and future of New York City, it is hard to award dear Jerry with a win. It was indeed Seinfeld who played a novel,…
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An Alabama for Alabamans… And Me

The famed early theologian of the Church, Tertullian, is said to have exclaimed, “What does Athens have to do with Jerusalem?!” Of course, he was speaking from the point of frustration, even exasperation, about contemporaries who from Tertullian’s perspective over-emphasized philosophy at the expense of faithful ascent to revelation. What does Illinois have to do…
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How to Get Absolutely Pantsed in a Debate–The Impractical Pragmatism of Andy Craig

Whether it was ad hominem attacks, circular logic, post hoc ergo propter hoc or some mixture and variation of several other logical fallacies, Andy Craig (above, right) just got crushed by actual, principled libertarian Dave Smith (above, left) in a debate in which Smith simply deconstructed Craig’s mendacious, slanderous claims about him, and Craig was…
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