Month: October 2020

The Gates of Wrath

There they are. Bill and Melinda Gates. You might wonder what has them so gleeful these days, you know, with the rest of the world languishing under anti-scientific lockdowns and the apparent triumph of totalitarian governments over the people while the elites bleat on about Trump being yet another “danger to our democracy”. Today, Macron…
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Election and Secession

We sort of deserve this, do we not? A tie. Before you Democrats out there get all a tither because you heard on CNN that a tie means this election gets tossed to the House of Representatives, read your Constitution again. In such a scenario, each STATE’s representation in the House gets one vote. And…
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A Trip Down the Memory Hole on Viruses

Let’s have some fun, acknowledging of course that logic and rhetoric have been dubbed as white supremacist (but what hasn’t already by now?, ex. all those racist cows that keep producing white milk). Odd that the left continues to argue that they own “the science” because: 1) Nothing is more “Western” than science, and 2)…
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Film Review: Mr. Jones (2019)

The central character in Agnieszka Holland’s riveting account of the Ukrainian Holodomor is pursued by intrepid journalist Gareth Jones but the desired interviewee nonetheless never makes a genuine appearance. Such is fitting as the crux of the issue and the cause of the events addressed in Mr. Jones are not the makings of just one man–no…
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