Month: December 2020

Nature–She Is a Sparing Partner at Best

Superstition abounds. You see it all around you in this hysterical age of fear. The person, alone in their car, wearing a soiled, supposed-to-be-disposable mask. Another, feverishly wiping down furniture. So many others believing in every media narrative designed to provoke sheepish, irrational fear. __________ It emerges from a denial of death, or more precisely,…
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Thou Shalt Not Drink From the Tree of Life and Fun

So the state (New York in this case but it could have been and has indeed been, anywhere) tried to repeatedly ruin Danny Presti’s livelihood, and as a result, he put an undercover sheriff on his car hood. I hope his car was not damaged. In a just world, this Mr. Presti would get medals,…
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