Month: September 2021

Norm and Dante

Today, a comic genius died, and a fearless one at that. Norm Macdonald graced us–or more so–God graced us with him, and Norm worked with some seriously divinely inspired humor. He was undaunted in his pursuit to highlight the painfully obvious so as to make people laugh, because Norm seemed to know that if people…
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The Compromise of 2021

Evoking decades past in which compromise saved the republic (1820, 1832, 1850), let’s go ahead with hastening the inevitable and propose that Texans get what Texans want, and Texas becomes an independent state once again. The glory days of 1836-1845. Impractical? Never going to happen? Think again. Listen to two recent podcasts from the Tom…
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A President for All Neurotics, Karens, and Big Pharma Execs

Totalitarianism, modern history has shown, usually comes in the form of charismatic leaders whose speeches were, at the very least, consistent and entertaining. I mean, no Nazi left the Nuremburg rallies in 1934 saying, “Well, that was uninspiring!” or “Meh.” No actual fascist departed from a Mussolini speech and turned to their fellow authoritarian and…
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