Month: March 2023


This chapter of deflection theater has to be the most pathetic yet. Congress appears to be in bipartisan support of railing against TikTok, condemning it as the source of all ills. Ban it, the sops say. It is an arm of the Chinese Communist Party! The company spies on Americans. It manipulates the appetites of…
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Bypass the (Historical) Breakers–Better, Remove Them Altogether

Over the last few days, I’ve finally had the opportunity to dive into historian Sean McMeekin’s voluminous treatment of World War II, Stalin’s War: A New History of World War II. What a treat it has been. McMeekin, a professor at Bard College in upstate New York, is fluent in Turkic and Russian and even…
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Hoppe Strikes Back (at the Empire) Again

God only knows the extent to which I hate Star Wars, so I am not even sure why (outside of engaging in eutrapalia) I made that allusion in the title… Shrug. On Hans-Hermann Hoppe: the great Michael Rectenwald just shared this on FB as he was pouring over Hoppe’s essay, “Marxist and Austrian Class Analysis”:…
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‘Bread and Gold over Mice and Fleas’: Augustine and Aquinas as Proto-Austrians

One need look no further than the Mises Wire (and Hot H2O History, by proxy) to discover the profound–dare I say providential and as such, inevitable–confluence of the best of Catholic thought and the Austrian school of economics. In dual submissions, Connor Mortell highlights just how much St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas discovered truths…
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