54°40′, 17 And Fight!


54°40′, 17 And Fight!

Bears Legend Urlacher and the GOP Convention

Yes! Thank God for you, Brian Urlacher!

Finally someone had the balls (and balls are in such short supply these days) to state the obvious: NBA, MLB, NFL, and WNBA (that still exists?!) players who “protest” the shooting of criminal black men by police while in the city that Urlacher played for, truly innocent blacks are gunned down every summer day and night–these players are just poser-cucks who need to get a handle on why they have “a voice” at all. Their “voice” is attributable not to some intelligence they routinely display nor to their stunning abilities to articulate pertinent arguments: They have a microphone in front of their faces because they are incredibly talented athletes! Drop the social justice warrior bullshit that takes absolutely zero courage to don today–that means you Lucas Giolito; that means you Matt Forte. And, go back to work.

If I hear one more time that most tired of canards and clichés: “We’re just ‘raising awareness’ of racialized police brutality,” I’m going to vomit.

What does that even mean, raising awareness? Are we not all by this time aware that some cops deploy excessive force and people end up killed, maimed, jailed and mentally damaged as a result? Do any one of these morons even know who Duncan Lemp is? Do they have any sympathy for the Minneapolis, Portland, Chicago, or Kenosha store owners or peaceful residents of those once beautiful cites whose lives and livelihoods have been ruined by “peaceful protesters”?! Nah, any consideration like that doesn’t win for them fawning media coverage.

No; what you athlete social justice warrior/peons have become are simply racial strife mongers who leftists in the media have turned into tokens. The left establishment gets its kicks out of moving you to their positions whereas in grade school you were throwing them into lockers. They’re the cool kids now too.


Many comps to past presidents have been thrown out regarding our current OrangeMan.

Is Trump Ronald Reagan with a John Boehner-sans tears and perma-whiskey breath tan? Richard Nixon? Theodore Roosevelt?

Not really. Indeed, if Andrew Jackson and James K. Polk had a love child, that love child would certainly be ugly–but politically speaking, he would be Donald Trump.

He has the populism and popular appeal of Jackson and the ardent nationalism of Polk–I mean, we know that Trump advanced the idea of purchasing Greenland from the Danish.

In the 1846 presidential campaign, Polk rode a catchy mantra–54°40′ or Fight!–to electoral victory over a rather aged, staid and corporatist Henry Clay (Joe Biden?). If only the Libertarian Party had a viable candidate, this is the perfect opportunity to present the zero aggression principle…but alas…

The overriding message of the Republican National Convention this entire week has been Jacksonian populism (a state’s rights disposition countered or colored with American exceptionalism) and Polk-esque, “China is not going to eat our lunch” foreign policy. Add a lot of law and order vs. chaos reigning in city streets, and indeed, there is a contrast between Trump and the Democrats of today.

Is that message going to play? Will it be successful?

It sure looks like it will, because I still posit there are many more dignified, silent-type 54’s out there, willing to fight and even defend a 17-year old who had enough with riots and destruction, than there are left-media-establishment sops and the rioters for whom they provide cover in 2020.

We shall see.


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