


“Apartheid” comes from the Afrikaans words for “separateness” or more literally, “apart-hood”.

The fact that dimwitted mayors throughout the United States and parliaments in Europe, Australia, New Zealand have embraced apartheid regarding reception of the genetic serums speaks to some remarkable contradictions. The comrades appear oblivious to any of them.

Without exception, for decades, these progressives bemoaned “separateness”, especially based on race and sex, in the public sphere. They targeted government policies which promoted segregation. Nowadays, particularly insidious in their eyes, are instances in which natural law wields its ultimate hand and produces men who run faster than women. Equally angst inducing are those occurrences in which certain cultures produce more engineers than janitors. I say cultures here because race is largely if not entirely a social construct. Little essential to it.

Proof of such a progressive-establishment war on exclusivity is in the marketing pudding, that is, it pertains even to marriage. Notice, have you not; every TV commercial features a mandatory interracial couple? I am left to wonder at what moment in time, approximately a year ago or so, that couples with relatively similar racial profiles became anathema. Your arcane, Western notions of voluntary election of your soulmate are so discriminatory!

Why the push then? Why the need to interracialize couples? Why the most intense vilification of anyone who points out the obvious?

Here’s my theory: The progressive establishment has whole-heartedly embraced neo-Marxism–emphasis on the “neo-“. Lori Lightfoot, Bill deBlasio, whoever is the moron running D.C., and that fascist creep who is prime minister of New Zealand–they don’t talk about class anymore. While this would make baby Marx and baby Engels cry, the neo-Marxists have had to cede the class-economic ground to free markets. Thus, the underclass, the ostracized, and the new micro-aggressed proletariat consists no longer of the actual poor, but rather of the privileged lesbian studies majors at Pepperdine, Big Pharma CEOs, Fauci and Collins, and, now, the vaxxed who must live restrained lives because of the dalit unvaxxed.

To maintain their freedom, health, and principles then, the rebels must be segregated from the rest of society. You know them–that is, those in the rest of society–the good boys and girls who have shown their fealty to their state-commanders from the start of CoVid hysteria and likely, prior. They got the shot. They announce their boosters on Facebook. They hold religiously to the contradiction that the genetic treatments make them safe, but that the unvaxxed are lepers and existential threats.

Note: For the leaders of the CoVid regime, state enforced segregation must come at a cost to those others, the rebels, because perhaps (I hope) it is beginning to dawn on the rebels that being apart from the sheep might be, well, fun. We could have our own restaurants; our own gyms, our own clubs; even our own churches. Kind of exciting, really. Subversive. How about back alley elliptical machines which can only work with a secret password or a simple blood test to prove that you don’t have an immune system compromised and weakened by mRNA serums? Restaurants and bars that feature maskless faces–well, every day; an endless happy hour then? Oh, how scandalous–what about a Catholic church or 5 or 500 which refuse to bow low and blindly nod when bishops in Chicago or Rome call vaccination “a moral imperative”? The laity has saved the Church from numerous Christological heresies in the Church’s history–why not save it now from a demonic incursion now?

Lest this sound like reverse discrimination and strict exclusion, know that the repentant vaxxed, i.e. the re-awakened, can always come to rebel bars, beaches, parks, schools, restaurants and churches. We will not hold your excessive viral loads or enhanced, Omicron infectiousness against you. Indeed, from this side, and not the other, we are in this mission to enjoy life, together.

We are all into the notion of freedom, of competing visions and ways of life. Choose. Have your kids in masks, perpetually relying upon some state-indoctrinator (public school teacher and/or administrator) to determine what is best for them. Or, let them breathe, free from superstition and virtue signaling. Wish to actually view the face of that lass or lad from across the bar before dating or marrying them? Come right in.

Apartheid is bad, but the appetite for freedom is rather strong. Now, it must be subversive.

Welcome to the party, pals. 



6 Responses

  1. Gabe Utsechs says:

    Well said! You’re the man!

  2. Gabe Utsechs says:

    Well said! You’re the man, Gary!

  3. Mike says:

    Gary, I’m sorry to tell you this way, but I am your real dad. I love you, son.

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