As Notre Dame Burns, CNN (Even More Than Usual) Induces Vomit

As Notre Dame Burns, CNN (Even More Than Usual) Induces Vomit

How many times are these commentators–including pseudo-Catholic Chris Cuomo–going to trip over themselves to profess that this is “not just a tragedy for Catholics, but people the world over”; that what is lost is a “unifying building for all”?!

What empty vessels; what white washed tombstones who parade their faux-intelligence when it is prepped on a teleprompter for them?

Fact: This is above all, constructed above all, as a glorious house of God–a temple dedicated to the New Arc of the Covenant, a humble Nazarene girl who gave her flesh to God Himself.

Good to remember that fact as the jokes at CNN and other outlets mourn for universal humanity. They mourn a building’s destruction while they deride the means of universal salvation–the Church that that humble maiden’s Son created.


Oh, and one more thing: Since when are leftists mournful of the destruction of the West? They’ve been attempting to break down all of the edifices of it, moral, philosophical, religious, cultural and concrete, for centuries.


One Response

  1. Fulcher of Chartres says:

    This is all the more nausea inducing–i.e. this we’re all appalled by this tragedy, catholic instead of CATHOLIC bullshit–when there is no shortage of Muslims going on social media, celebrating, laughing and hoping for more churches to burn.

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