Author: Gary Richied

The Armchair

One of the clear benefits of our formerly prestigious institutions crumbling due to the tyranny of subterranean standards is that the credentials and imprimaturs they dole out carry little to no weight. Ponder for a moment: Thanks to affirmative action injustices, does anyone walking around with a “B.A.” or “B.S.” (initials more appropriate than ever)…
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I Had a Dream

It was a doozy too. One of those dreams you wake up from and then feel a sense of contentment, even jovial humor. It happened this past spring. I decided to record my memory of it. Here’s what I recorded at 5:34 in the morning this past April 23: [Cue dream sequence] So, yeah: I…
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Mises on the Masses: Market vs. Political Democracy

There sure are a lot of people from very diverse backgrounds and intelligence levels weighing in on the god of ‘democracy’. From actor/podcaster Russell Brand to President of the Western Hemisphere’s greatest recent success story, El Salvador, Nayib Bukele, people are feeling democratic on democracy. On the criminally unintelligent side, one finds Lindsey Graham (who…
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Bad German

It just so happens that I have a very Anglicized German surname. As such, both its spelling and its pronunciation, post-alteration, happen to be be all messed up. I spoke of this on the massive hit episode of The Delingpod with the great James Delingpole. Both my heritage and the unfortunate, historical mutilation of my…
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Maybe Putin is a Goodie?

Has it not, given especially the hideous, monstrous and demonic actions of the West/Zionist cabal, become altogether clear that Putin is not the baddie we are told he is? Far from Put-ler to be sure. With news of that Navalny character not being assassinated but rather dying of a blood clot–most probably from a Western…
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The Mites Without Might

If we hypostatize or anthropomorphize the notion of ideology, we may say that ideologies have might over men. Might is the faculty or power of directing actions. As a rule one says only of a man or of groups that they are mighty. Then the definition of might is: might is the power to direct…
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He’s Dying. Permissive Catholicism Is Dead.

As I’ve said consistently since this disaster of a pontificate launched back in 2013, Jorge Bergoglio is the embodiment of a dead pseudo-faith that peddles in cheap mercy. I would go so far as to call it ‘fiat mercy’ because it is full of empty remission of sin and guilt, devoid of justice and a…
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Post-Persuasion Me?

To peaceably persuade or convince others of an argument is (probably) still a noble thing. I suppose it is dependent entirely upon the veracity and value of the conclusion. In business, Henry Ford convinced his associates and financiers that Americans could and would purchase a bare-bones automobile en masse, and that he possessed the technical…
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A Very Long Six Months

One of my favorite all-time movies is a French film starring the captivating Audrey Tautou, Une Si Longue Dimanche des Fiançailles or A Very Long Engagement. If you have not seen it, you’re a lesser person and should check it out. Epic. Reason for the mention here is simply that, per the old joke that…
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Loyola Asked the Wrong Guy to Mentor

I do admit: Perhaps a simple “no” would have sufficed. Billy Madison Wrong GIFfrom Billy Madison GIFs But, I’m just not a “simple no” kind of guy. The following is my response to Loyola-Chicago’s request that I participate in some mentorship program: I suspect this program will indeed be helpful to a number of students.…
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