Author: Gary Richied

Cancel Culture is Cancelling Culture… Gleefully

Gone are the once-thought-to-be horrible days when the left-cathedral excommunicated individuals. This was all of the past three decades up to about three months ago. Those burned at the progressive auto-da-fes are too numerous to mention. Some standouts: Robert Bork (thanks Joe Biden), James Damore, David Daleiden, Jordan Peterson and other college professors slightly to…
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Dōmo Arigatō, Indeed, Mr. Roboto

The “Lost Decade” as it is called in Japan describes the languishing economy of the country over–what is in reality–twenty years or so of artificially low, and even negative, interest rates. The economic ramifications are clear: A Japanese central banking policy that incentivizes consumption, wild speculation, and finger-crossing leaves capital markets starved, innovation stagnant, and…
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Dishonest Abe

The American History iconoclasts are very busy these days, not unlike the Jacobins during the French Revolution, they switch seamlessly from guillotining statues to cancelling people. This is what the modern, Western left has become. While the sane and healthy rightfully lament that statues of Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and yes even Frederick Douglass…
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On a Firing

Regarding my termination from Fenwick High School Volte-face is one of those beautiful French expressions with forceful meaning and subtle connotations that are often lost in translation. “About-face” does not do it justice, as when the French utilize the term, there is a sudden and serious abruptness to it; a brisk turning away from what…
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The Dogged (Actual) Liberal: Deirdre McCloskey

Her historical perspective has been pointed and consistent even as her gender identification has not. The brilliant and endlessly insightful Deirdre McCloskey has released her new book, really a collection of fine essays, which tackles the questions of real wealth creation, British imperialism and the Great Enrichment–a period of history in which we are truly…
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The Monopoly on Violence

As the old joke goes: “What is the difference between a minarchist and an anarchist?” A: About six months. The joke now needs to be amended to six months and/or this documentary. Thanks to everyone at Stateless Productions. Note: Duncan Lemp helped crowdfund this venture. God rest his soul.   DONATE NOW  

Bizarro World

If you feel out of place today, that is because you are normal. No, not in the derogatory “normie”, “blue-pilled” way, but in the well-adjusted, emotionally-stable, confident human being senses of the term. You have meaningful relationships. You enjoy physical, social interaction even conversation with other human beings. You, like me, detest “Eyes Wide Shut”…
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Truth, Justice, the American Way… and a Face Mask

Metropolis, Illinois features a Superman museum, festival and giant Superman statue that now dons a face mask. After all, if as it seems about half of Americans prefer slavishly following government dictates, clutching at perceived security, and obeying the “science” of experts who change their assertions daily as opposed to guarding actual freedom, engaging in…
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The Skulls of Bishops

“The floor of hell is paved with the skulls of bishops.” -St. Athanasius of Alexandria at the Council of Nicaea, 325 A.D. ___________ Outside of Minnesota it seems, at least in the United States, Catholic bishops caved to the state faster than Facebook, Twitter et al. cave to FBI, CIA and NSA security information requests.…
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No One Ever Said ‘Be Like Barry’

The world knows now that ‘The Last Dance’ is the best documentary film in history. That’s right; you heard me Ken Burns with all your smug, pseudo-history on the Civil War, The War, baseball and jazz. Perhaps only two things surpass the greatness of the ESPN doc series: The thrill of living through the 90’s–as…
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