Author: Gary Richied

When You’re Hated on the Left, and When You’re Hated on the Right, You Do the Hokey-Pokey and You’re Hated Even More…

…that’s what it’s all about, for true libertarians, past and present: Bastiat, Molinari, and me. David Hart explains Bastiat’s genius here in that he recognized, yes, the impingements of government on producers, but more so the devastation wrought by central planners on consumers. Both are forgotten groups in history.

Elk Deer and How Women Love Us for OUR Racks

True master of several arts: history, philosophy, podcasting, martial and (almost there in…) economics–Thaddeus Russell just posted his interview with the sublime Warren Farrell, hated truth-teller. Topics covered include gender roles, parenting, developmental psychology, the history of women’s and men’s liberation (former is much more storied and longer than the latter), the Cold War and…
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Gaffigan, Davis and Grace Resplendent in ‘Troop Zero’

She’s not Dorothy. She’s nowhere near Oz. And, she wears red, plastic boots instead of bedazzled slippers. One more thing: Christmas Flint is also a greater heroine. I resist writing movie reviews–of even a brief kind; namely because we all know what we tend to do with such recommendations–forget about them moments after they’re uttered.…
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The Mandatory All-In, Let it Ride

As Bernie Sanders stalks the Democratic nomination, pushing aside Mayor Pete, Leg-Hair Joe, and Pocahontas, this piece from economist Alexander Salter is a must read. While the 2020 contest for the White House is sure to be entertaining, and if there is a Sanders vs Trump matchup that would force the country into a greater…
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Soured on Sowers

The narrative was all but written out. Commercials spoke of the disintegration of the glass ceiling, the female takeover of the world and of the great beyond of space. The dual-female halftime show showed more ass than if both quarterbacks had GoPros on their wrists the entire game. Not that I am against Shakira and…
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Trump the Alpha Male to John Bolton

Trump. Love him or hate him, he’s so alpha. The guy wowed at the March for Life, bitch-slapped John Bolton and will soon be acquitted after impeachment–all in about 10 days! Trump proved (even after he fired him) that he’s still Bolton’s boss! Wild. I especially liked that Trump recognized how dangerous and war-hungry that…
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Frédéric Bastiat and the State-breakers

Brilliant. Consistent. Principled. As a true liberal or libertarian of today’s stripes, Frédéric Bastiat warred against the state in 19th France wherein there were few allies for him to find. He was to liberty what Jimmy Hendrix was to American rock-and-roll; a virtuoso who died way too young. Still, he lives on though his masterpieces.…
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The Question No One Ever Asks… About MLK

  While the Left does the Clinton two-step (Well, it’s permissible if he abused women because of what he stood for…) and the Right is sure to point the hypocrisy finger (What happened to #MeToo?) all of tomorrow, you know what is never asked and certainly has yet to be answered? If the FBI knew…
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Where, Oh Where Did Stephen Colbert’s Talent Go?

When was the last time Stephen Colbert was actually funny? I can’t bring myself to watch his monologues anymore, but I am subjected to some one-liners on promos and YouTube adverts, and man is this guy unfunny. If you can’t be funny in the age of Trump, dear Lord, when can you? I mean, Showtime…
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The Most Dangerous Place

N.B. The following are selections from my talk at St. Mary’s Church, Riverside, Illinois, January 12, 2020. When they had departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother, flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you. Herod is going…
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