Author: Gary Richied

The Castle (and More Important) Edict of Fontainebleau

Merci à Rick Steves for a quick tour of the Chateau Fontainebleau; but dear Rick left out the most important note of history from it. 334 years ago–nearly to the day–Louis XIV issued his repeal of Henry IV’s Edict of Nantes with his Edict of Fontainebleau. No true, absolute king could have Huguenots running around…
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Mises v. Marx: AIER Just Put Out Some Amazing Stuff

The brilliance of these pieces: a rap video, a post rap video analysis of the winner, and then a sardonic yet accurate review of Marx the economist… It’s all here for you: 3 red pills–might want to take one at a time.   

Part of the Problem, 500–To Many, Many More

The great Dave Smith and Robbie “The Fire” Bernstein celebrated their 500th podcast episode for “Part of the Problem” doing what they do best: Combining the brilliance of libertarianism with their “funny-because-it’s-so-true” comedy. In the episode, both list the most influential thinkers who brought them to libertarianism from the left: Ron Paul, George Reisman, Tom…
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Who Was There for This Little Boy?

1. He was born with heroin in his system. 2. Weened off of drugs for the first few months of his life, he was placed in foster care with a relative. 3. An Illinois state court returned him to his demonic parents despite repeated reports of abuse and squalor inside the home. 4. Employees from…
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Owning the Earthly Goalposts and the Next Frontier

What is the left, left to do? When you own the culture—and everybody knows it, and as conservatives are left to watch the train as it has already left the station–new boundaries have to be drawn, goalposts moved. Progressives still have to be the bold, counter-cultural ones though. Remember when it was audacious to put…
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Poor Veruca Salt and Salt Water Around the World

Have you ever seen anything as scary as this? A poor, mentally unstable, on-the-spectrum teenager so indoctrinated with false apocalyptic blather that she damns all of humanity? This is the definition of morbid. She’s crazy spoiled, like Veruca Salt–and just plain crazy too. Thanks be to God for Andrew Bolt down under… for Anna:  

Of Balls and Bulbs…

Abstract for my paper which I presented at the Libertarian Scholars Conference, 2019: “Fast Balls and Fast Bulbs: The Cause of Reckless Yet Rational Gambling Speculation on American Baseball 1917-1919 and Dutch Tulips 1636-1637” Mr. Athanasius (Gary) Richied Focus: A historical and economic analysis of the marked similarities extant between rampant wagering on baseball and…
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Wall Street Journal Doing an Onion Impression?

HA! In the black text box above it reads: NATIONAL SECURITY PICK- TRUMP NAMES HOSTAGE NEGOTIATOR ROBERT O’BRIEN TO SUCCEED JOHN BOLTON. N.B. Because we need more Mitt Romney advisors in the administration. Ironically, Trump is the hostage, his hands tied if not his mouth gagged by the deep state. I can’t wait for tomorrow’s…
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Creepy Man, Creepy Mustache

  President Trump finally fired a guy who know one knew why he hired in the first place. Hopefully now the administration can go about–I don’t know–ending the LONGEST WAR IN AMERICAN HISTORY! Nearly two decades of protecting thieves, murderers, child rapists, and poppy farmers… You go, U.S. foreign policy establishment!

A Libertarian Anthem?

Consider: no envy, no perceived injustice that needs to be rectified because your neighbor is just a little bit taller, a better baller, or has a girl on his phone and calls her. No socialism. Consider: no fear, no trepidation of the other, no desire to make him more civilized with elite tastes and the…
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