Author: Gary Richied

Metanoia Debate: America in the 20th-21st Centuries

*Decide the resolution for the epic, Oxford-style, APUSH debate: *Poll closes at midnight, May 7. After the total votes have been tallied, APUSH class members will vote in a separate poll (posted here as well) as to which side PRO or CON they would prefer. **Debate date set for Friday, May 17 (N.B. That is…
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  The graced, sublime and genius Rachel Fulton Brown (Medieval scholar extraordinaire) reminds us of the feckless, misguided, God-less and thus sick world in which we live wherein Catholic brothers and sisters were massacred as they went to revel in the Resurrection. Unlike the great Dr. Brown, leftist placaters cannot even gather enough courage to…
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As Notre Dame Burns, CNN (Even More Than Usual) Induces Vomit

How many times are these commentators–including pseudo-Catholic Chris Cuomo–going to trip over themselves to profess that this is “not just a tragedy for Catholics, but people the world over”; that what is lost is a “unifying building for all”?! What empty vessels; what white washed tombstones who parade their faux-intelligence when it is prepped on…
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On Taxation as Theft

This Wednesday, April 10, Dave Smith welcomes pseudo-intellectual extraordinaire Ben Burgis in studio to discuss the notion of taxation as theft. Given that Smith is the funniest and one of the brightest libertarians around today, I hope that Burgis comes prepared–he’s not going to be in the echo chamber there. I also hope that Rutgers…
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Rousseau, the French Revolutionaries, Ho Chi Minh… and You

Central to the tenets and legacy of Enlightenment thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the notion of the general will drives the left to this day. It sounds democratic—but it is not. It is, the idea of the general will, an elaborate justification for a kind of intellectual aristocracy rising to power. Envision a group of Plato’s philosopher…
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Oh, So That’s What Intersectionality Means?!

I have long been confused by the term “intersectionality”–mainly because it constitutes nothing but modern cultural Marxist blather–but thanks to the astute and pretentious students (that is an admission requirement) at Notre Dame, I’ve finally figured it out. BuzzFeed is reporting that a mother wrote a letter against female students wearing leggings to Mass. Per…
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The Persecution of Jussie Smollett

Oh, the terrible injussieness–sorry injustice–of the whole episode! How long really could the Socialist Republic of Cook and its capital, Chicago, carry on this persecution of poor Jussie without recognizing that the rule of law is so dead and buried here that a black, homosexual actor would have to receive some sort of preferential treatment…
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God’s Game: Baseball or Golf?

What a wormhole I opened up here! The genesis of it (pun intended) emerged from the time and season: Baseball is opening and the Players’ tournament just ended with the Masters on the horizon. My initial entry point was just to mark and compare the good, the true and the beautiful of both sports. Which…
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