Author: Gary Richied

Audio Lecture: American Imperialism and The True Flag

This is a recording of a lecture/class discussion on the turn of the century debate on the legitimacy (or lack thereof) of American overseas expansionism.   I cite and reference to a large extent the great work of Stephen Kinzer on the subject matter found in: Enjoy. 

Metanoia Debate: On the Removal of the Lincoln Memorial

Forget all of the hubbub about the decommissioning of Confederate memorials, the Ole Miss basketball team, etc. What about the Lincoln Memorial? Shouldn’t it be decommissioned, and unceremoniously at that? Hear an incredibly insightful debate on the topic here.

Audio Lecture: Manifest Destiny, 1830-1848

featured sources: Anders Stephanson, Manifest Destiny and the American Empire of Right, 1995. Andrew Jackson, “Letter to Moses Dawson”, 1848. John Gast, American Progress, 1872.

I Get the BEST Presents!

Rolling with my homies–Mean Girls Style. That’s me in the passenger seat with my man Grover Cleveland at the wheel and Frederick Hayek in the back. Mises and Rothbard are in the Mercedes ahead of us in the Libertarian caravan… Onward. Thanks Spencer! __________ Need more? The great economist Robert Higgs defends the seemingly defenseless…
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The Onion Pretty Much Nailed It…

Is satire so much more effective when it lands so close to the truth?

Happy Un-Presidents’ Day!

The actually good presidents of the United States–that state designed to be the smallest and most limited ever created which has become instead, the largest and most ubiquitous in history–are not found on the top of the consensus “presidential” historians’ lists. They are nowhere among the top 10 of the public’s vision of the best…
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Guidebook to Modern European History, 1400-2015

*available in iBookstore An indispensable tool that not only helped me ace all my tests in AP European History, but also served as a great review for THE test on MayDay. Aced it!” Norah S., high school student, Chicago, IL

The Why and How of Capitalism and Choice

To be fair, I forewarn my students that–as we begin a study of the Constitution or Gilded Age economics for that matter–I tend to act like a toddler. Like a toddler, I repeat the question “why” throughout class. “Why is the sky blue?”; “Why do blow-pops tastes so good?”; “How does one get to the…
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Hi Cardinal Dolan; It’s Me, 2019…

Cardinal Dolan of New York writes in a WSJ op-ed today that the Democratic party has “abandoned” Catholic school children and the unborn. No shit, Sherlock. This just dawned on him today, or even this year? Why doesn’t he actually apply canon law and excommunicate Governor Cuomo and any other “Catholic” for whom it is…
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Madness, Murderous Madness

Selections from an engaging text exchange with a bright friend on the sinister madness of what is transpiring at present, not just in VA and NY but all around us. *The comments reference the content of the outstanding PartOfTheProblem podcast on the GaS Digital Network, hosted by the ineffable Dave Smith and the sometimes ineffable (yes, note…
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