Author: Gary Richied

The Why and How of Capitalism and Choice

To be fair, I forewarn my students that–as we begin a study of the Constitution or Gilded Age economics for that matter–I tend to act like a toddler. Like a toddler, I repeat the question “why” throughout class. “Why is the sky blue?”; “Why do blow-pops tastes so good?”; “How does one get to the…
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Hi Cardinal Dolan; It’s Me, 2019…

Cardinal Dolan of New York writes in a WSJ op-ed today that the Democratic party has “abandoned” Catholic school children and the unborn. No shit, Sherlock. This just dawned on him today, or even this year? Why doesn’t he actually apply canon law and excommunicate Governor Cuomo and any other “Catholic” for whom it is…
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Madness, Murderous Madness

Selections from an engaging text exchange with a bright friend on the sinister madness of what is transpiring at present, not just in VA and NY but all around us. *The comments reference the content of the outstanding PartOfTheProblem podcast on the GaS Digital Network, hosted by the ineffable Dave Smith and the sometimes ineffable (yes, note…
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Podcast Class: The Russian Revolution and Versailles

Class notes: V.I. Lenin, April Theses V.I. Lenin, cf. Speech to the Petrograd Soviet–November 7, 1917 *Say what one ought to about Bolsheviks (the mass murder, depravity and hypocrisy of the whole enterprise), but they were/are pretty good archivists–excluding of course all of the stuff (see above) they never wanted to get out…

TV Pilot Proposal on the Progressive Era: Undercover Boss

Exceptional pilot proposal and parody of “Undercover Boss” featuring the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. The assembled team even got kicked out of the Jewel supermarket for filming in the meat section. Dedication.

TV Pilot Proposal on the Progressive Era: The Bachelor

Outstanding proposal as a parody of Woodrow Wilson (evil) as “The Bachelor”. Who was worse then: Juan Pablo or Woodrow Wilson?.. Either way, I loved Andi Dorfman despite the fact that it now appears that Josh Murray considers her the devil. Boy, this got really gossipy quickly.

Video Lecture: The New State, 1787-c. 1791

*Now, this video lecture is from 2017 and looking back on it, I omitted too much about Hamilton’s rationales regarding the establishment of a centralized, national bank, especially the more nefarious ones. These included–in Hamilton’s own words the use of the bank as a funding mechanism (through the inflationary printing money–explicative tautology there) in “times…
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