Author: Gary Richied

A Take on Columbus, RYM Podcast, 10/12/22

I was on with Robbie the Fire to talk Columbus and European anal backup.  

Kish Me Once, Kish Me Twice

*As published on the Mises Wire w/Audio Mises Wire. Kish, since you are wondering, is an Iranian island in the Persian Gulf famed for its tourist and shopping attractions. It is becoming a serious rival to other nearby vacation hubs in Doha and Dubai. Along with pristine beaches and extensive malls, Kish is–or more so…
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Why I Hate This White Sox Team (And Maybe the Entire Organization)

At about this time yesterday, the Washington Nationals traded a 23-year old generational talent whose just compensation for his extraordinary baseball skills will net him a contract near $500 million in the very near future. Juan Soto, and his then Nationals teammate, Josh Bell, were shipped to the San Diego Padres for a figurative boatload…
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Conversations with Doctor Thunder, Episode 207

Deep dive into Catholicism, Puritanical influence, music, history, and the difference between active and passive thinkers. Get the book Doctor Thunder is reading right now!  

In Bloom Podcast-Micaela Richmond with Guest Gary Richied

On this episode, we talked about history, politics, liberty, Catholicism, the United States, economics, and much more. The universal book link: Follow me on Instagram: @micaela_inbloom Twitter: @micaela_inbloom Find more information about each episode at

Three Cheers (and Three-Peat) for Corruption

In a city famous for NBA three-peats, the new three-peat that has a much higher probability to continue into a dynasty of sorts, is that Chicago again ranks as the most corrupt city in the United States. And, it is not even close. The University of Illinois list of the most graft-ridden metropoleis in America…
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Running My Mouth With the Great Robbie Bernstein

Just some Summer Porch Tourin’… 2022

Doctor of Orthodoxy, Champion of the Faith

As a child, he baptized his friends, only to have the bishop say he did it right. As a deacon, he guarded the Truth of Christ’s full divinity and full humanity. When it was said that the whole world was against him, he responded: “Then I am against the world.” As a bishop and patriarch,…
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Left vs. Left

A puzzling conflict rages today. Admittedly, it has been going on for some time now, especially since every Western leftist should be in the course of wild eyed revelry since the Big Bad Orangeman is gone. If you’re not on the modern left of the political spectrum, the quarrel might be hard to notice at…
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Every Little Thing He Does is Tragic

Leftists suffer from a lack of patience. Even as they attempt to remake society and refashion the mass’s tastes, preferences, and predilections while safeguarding already stolen wealth for themselves–reality ends up setting in and reality bites. It kicks them in the face, for their fanciful dreams of kleptocratic utopia are naturally at odds with nature,…
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