Bizarro World

backwards, upside-down, counter-intuitive… all ahistorical
If you feel out of place today, that is because you are normal. No, not in the derogatory “normie”, “blue-pilled” way, but in the well-adjusted, emotionally-stable, confident human being senses of the term.
You have meaningful relationships. You enjoy physical, social interaction even conversation with other human beings. You, like me, detest “Eyes Wide Shut” Catholic Masses like the one I attended yesterday–even if you’re not Catholic, seeing people who profess faith in the Incarnate Word of God walk around with diapers on their faces, strikes you as odd, and more than a bit obsequious in the face of arbitrary state dictums.
Sorry. You–we–are not at home in 2020.
As the Seinfeld Fab Four explain a score of years ago:
Let’s just rattle off several–call them, “contradictions” or “oddities” that have become so commonplace today that the old, normal world appears to have retreated to another dimension:
- George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis. The cop is a murderer. Floyd was a career criminal. Illinois named June 9th ‘George Floyd Day’.
- Epidemiologists declared ‘systemic racism’ to be a greater threat than COVid-19. They decided to try eradicate racism before getting a handle on the virus and thus encouraged people to defy the rules they foisted upon us all and congregate to protest.
- At fault for the COVid lockdowns, racial strife, and criminal riots were (in chronological order) all white men–in particular, Christopher Columbus, Philip Schuyler, George Washington, and every Confederate soldier or citizen. Okay… To wit, Thomas Sowell (that bright light in the darkness of crazy) tweeted:
4. Protesters thought protests accomplish anything.
5. As Best Buys, Wal-Marts, Targets and Nike stores were looted, the respective CEOs of their companies tripped over each other attempting to be the wokest-woke capitalists in the room, advancing progressive-pious-platitudes (the really important PPPs these days) like “something must be done” and “we’ve awoken to a new day”.
6. The Reddit CEO quit so that the company’s board could hire a black person. Question: Who would ever hire that guy again? Comment: I’m sure the next CEO will feel great about getting the job based on his/her/most likely zie’s merit. Question: Shouldn’t Joe Biden do the same?
7. In yet another way, Michael Malice’s assertion that conservatism is progressivism going the speed limit was proven true. From a federal crime reform bill to more stimulus in the trillions (!!!), Republicans cannot kowtow low enough.
8. The stock market continues to go up as most economic metrics reveal conditions worse than the Great Depression. Fun.
9. Still no justice for Duncan Lemp. In fact, I’m racist for mentioning him, or that all lives matter.
All of this, and few if any outside of my fellow an-caps and I point out that, for all the rage against “systemic racism” and “systemic injustice”, no one is challenging the “system”!
Just two parties?: Meh.
Federal Reserve?: What’s that?!
Nationalist centralization: Again, I never heard of that from public schools.
Public schools: Why, that’s the American church!
American socialism: Bring it on!
More democracy: Hell yeah! Majorities should rule except when race, gender, ethnicity, sexuality are involved…
Unfortunately, you get the (warped) picture.