Category: European History Classes

Pot Legal in Illinois–God Save the Right; Other Not-So-Lit State Laws

Q: A blunt and a blintz then for you Governor? Gov. Pritzker: Why, yes! I’ll have the double order. I sure hope that these dopes in Illinois don’t pay attention to the inordinate taxes I’m taking out from sanctioned pot now. I’ll tell them it’s all going to fund state pensions and the prisons, I…
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While Greta Was Away…

So, what has been going on in dear Greta’s homeland while she’s been ditching school excoriating the rest of humanity for daring to raise themselves out of abject poverty? A Swedish mother carrying her 1-year old was shot in the head. Radicalized Muslim gangs have taken over significant cities in the country and engaged in…
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Capitalism is the Crane-Kick to Socialism’s Cobra (Kai) Effect

Regarding the unintended and not-so-unintended consequences of public, state action, Foundation for Economic Education scholars Antony Davies and James Harrigan discuss the Cobra Effect from colonial India, air pollution in Mexico, and oil production (or lack thereof) in Venezuela. No time to read the whole piece? Check out the ineffable Seamus Coughlin’s great cartoon on…
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The Castle (and More Important) Edict of Fontainebleau

Merci à Rick Steves for a quick tour of the Chateau Fontainebleau; but dear Rick left out the most important note of history from it. 334 years ago–nearly to the day–Louis XIV issued his repeal of Henry IV’s Edict of Nantes with his Edict of Fontainebleau. No true, absolute king could have Huguenots running around…
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Mises v. Marx: AIER Just Put Out Some Amazing Stuff

The brilliance of these pieces: a rap video, a post rap video analysis of the winner, and then a sardonic yet accurate review of Marx the economist… It’s all here for you: 3 red pills–might want to take one at a time.   

Of Balls and Bulbs…

Abstract for my paper which I presented at the Libertarian Scholars Conference, 2019: “Fast Balls and Fast Bulbs: The Cause of Reckless Yet Rational Gambling Speculation on American Baseball 1917-1919 and Dutch Tulips 1636-1637” Mr. Athanasius (Gary) Richied Focus: A historical and economic analysis of the marked similarities extant between rampant wagering on baseball and…
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Mises Institute Libertarian Scholars Conference

Thrilled to attend the Libertarian Scholars Conference in NYC so as to present on history and economics. My paper is entitled, “Fast Balls and Fast Bulbs: The Cause of Reckless Yet Rational Gambling Speculation on American Baseball from 1917-1919 and Dutch Tulips from 1636-1637”.

Writing a Research Paper in History

Unlock a perceived mystery= how to write a research paper in history. I crack the code for you here. CLICK Writing a Research Paper in History. Comments, sundry insights and especially compliments welcomed below. Pax.

As Notre Dame Burns, CNN (Even More Than Usual) Induces Vomit

How many times are these commentators–including pseudo-Catholic Chris Cuomo–going to trip over themselves to profess that this is “not just a tragedy for Catholics, but people the world over”; that what is lost is a “unifying building for all”?! What empty vessels; what white washed tombstones who parade their faux-intelligence when it is prepped on…
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