Category: European History Classes

Rousseau, the French Revolutionaries, Ho Chi Minh… and You

Central to the tenets and legacy of Enlightenment thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau, the notion of the general will drives the left to this day. It sounds democratic—but it is not. It is, the idea of the general will, an elaborate justification for a kind of intellectual aristocracy rising to power. Envision a group of Plato’s philosopher…
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Kid Prison–And I’m Not Talking About Juvie…

Bryan Caplan misnamed his recent tour-de-force on the failures of the American education system. The Case Against Education should be entitled The Case Against Schooling, as the great Gene Epstein has pointed out. Still, Caplan’s research and arguments lead to the ultimate conclusions that Brett Veinotte at the SchoolSucks Project and Tom Woods among others have…
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Podcast Class: The Russian Revolution and Versailles

Class notes: V.I. Lenin, April Theses V.I. Lenin, cf. Speech to the Petrograd Soviet–November 7, 1917 *Say what one ought to about Bolsheviks (the mass murder, depravity and hypocrisy of the whole enterprise), but they were/are pretty good archivists–excluding of course all of the stuff (see above) they never wanted to get out…