Category: Blog

Flattening the Curve is Today’s WMD

18 years ago.101 years ago. Same problem, but not without solutions. And, no, illegally quarantining people is not one of them. There is so much relevant historical perspective here, even if at first peering through the looking glass of history it does not seem as such. Almost a score ago, the Bush administration, run by…
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Collective Moral High Ground is About An Inch from Hell

Haven’t we had enough of this thing already? The pseudo-cure and hysteria rising from it are certainly worse than the virus. Quarantines have NEVER proven to be successful in combating pandemics. Add to the imposed isolation economic misery, supply downturns, mass unemployment and governments blowing up their currencies, well, how long can the ruling class…
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Spengler, Stantz, Zeddemore and Venkman Were Right… What If We’re Wrong?!

Then, it won’t be Slimer or Zuul, the Gate Keeper or the Key Master who end up in the trap. This COVID-19 thing is an unwarranted hysteria that governments local, provincial, national–the world over have created. I mean, how many times do the mass media outlets have to echo the same talking points until someone…
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Fear that Flatlines the Patient: The Rooseveltian Oath= Do All Harm

How weak is a civilization that the free functioning of people and their commerce can be crippled, and perhaps in the end destroyed, by hapless morons parading their power yet simultaneously revealing their incompetence? The backdrop is a manufactured pandemic that pseudo-intellectuals assert–based on flawed World Health Organization numbers–is more virulent and deadly than the…
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Down with the Twerkers, Frat Boys, Sorority Girls

No. Do not denounce them as selfish or stupid; naive or self-absorbed. When I say down with the twerkers on spring break, I mean get down with the twerkers in Florida, as in “get down” ala “Jungle Buggie” by Kool & The Gang. As it turns out, the defense, remedy, even cure for the respiratory…
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The DMV–Department of Menacing Viruses

The reeducation camps have been working assiduously for years, decades now to impart a singular message that the student-prisoners just cannot seem to get through their thick, common-sense nourished and fortified skulls; namely, government is beneficent, cognizant, and omnipotent. The student-prisoners consist of those beyond the obviously shackled in Bismarck-Mann public Schulen because the traditional…
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A Russian, An American, and An Austrian–All Cowboys, All Fighting Injustice… YEE-HAW!

First, Alexander Solzhenitsyn from The Gulag Archipelago: In keeping silent about evil, in burying it so deep within us that no sign of it appears on the surface, we are implanting it, and it will rise up a thousand fold in the future. When we neither punish nor reproach evildoers, we are not simply protecting…
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When You’re Hated on the Left, and When You’re Hated on the Right, You Do the Hokey-Pokey and You’re Hated Even More…

…that’s what it’s all about, for true libertarians, past and present: Bastiat, Molinari, and me. David Hart explains Bastiat’s genius here in that he recognized, yes, the impingements of government on producers, but more so the devastation wrought by central planners on consumers. Both are forgotten groups in history.

Elk Deer and How Women Love Us for OUR Racks

True master of several arts: history, philosophy, podcasting, martial and (almost there in…) economics–Thaddeus Russell just posted his interview with the sublime Warren Farrell, hated truth-teller. Topics covered include gender roles, parenting, developmental psychology, the history of women’s and men’s liberation (former is much more storied and longer than the latter), the Cold War and…
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Gaffigan, Davis and Grace Resplendent in ‘Troop Zero’

She’s not Dorothy. She’s nowhere near Oz. And, she wears red, plastic boots instead of bedazzled slippers. One more thing: Christmas Flint is also a greater heroine. I resist writing movie reviews–of even a brief kind; namely because we all know what we tend to do with such recommendations–forget about them moments after they’re uttered.…
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