Category: Blog

To Russia With Love: An Open Letter to Vladimir Putin

Dear Mr. Putin, It was with some considerable alarm today–although I must admit now that it seems foolish to me even as I write it–that I greeted my day with the distinct displeasure of turning on the American cable news networks. How could I expect anything but an admixture of nausea and frustration? Unfortunately, it…
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Ryan Rogers

I did not know Ryan Rogers. I’ve never met his family. He lived over 1300 miles away from me. For all of my ignorance of who Ryan was, I know one thing: That picture above is of a beautiful, sweet boy. That beautiful sweet boy was murdered on the night of November 15, just a…
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And Now, Covidian: Nazi Comps Are Not Lazy Anymore

Almost without exception, Nazi analogies are lazy and generally inaccurate. But leave it to the Covid totalitarian-hysterics of our time to make them relevant again. It’s not just the marking with masks and the segregation of children in school. Here’s the New Zealand prime minister saying your life as you know it has basically ended…
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Save the IRS

When I worked as a mover, the most luxurious accommodations among the thousands of institutions/companies which I helped relocate, belonged to the ATF (Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) and the IRS (Federal Internal Revenue Service). And, it wasn’t even close. Turns out, more so than the most successful architecture, tech, or law…
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The Anti-Human Meeting of the Elites in Glasgow

Leave it to the Great Resetters to hold their meeting to resolve the self-described “climate crisis” in a city whose very existence is owed to the unearthing and continual burning of fossil fuels. What would Glasgow be, after all, without coal and oil and heavy industry and James Watt? I’ll tell you: it would be…
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When Your Church IS the State

The State, both in its genesis and by its primary intention, is purely anti-social. It is not based on the idea of natural rights, but on the idea that the individual has no rights except those that the State may provisionally grant him. It has always made justice costly and difficult to access, and has…
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Be a Saint

Far too long in my life did I rest, ignorant of the wisdom of Hildegard von Bingen. The life of a mystic is both blessed and cursed, but it is a life of extremes. There’s nothing milquetoast or mild if God graces you with visions and insights that move your being, stretch your senses, delight…
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Chappelle or Incel

There is a stark benefit to living today. It’s more clear than ever who constitute the evil, the malevolent, the Puritanical, and the mad. They are almost univocally in masks, lapping up any report from CNN, uncritically claiming ownership of the ‘science’, and unable to recognize that Australia is a totalitarian penal colony yet again.…
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The Empire Has Been Good For No One

If there is one lesson from history that does repeat itself instead of just rhyme, it is that imperialism kills civilizations. It turns out, electing force instead of voluntary engagement is not just catastrophically expensive; it also carries with it enormous moral hazard for the perpetrators. This has been the core message of the great…
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Jorge and Nancy Sitting in the Tree…

K-I-L-L-I-N-G. Boy is Pope Francis chummy with a woman who actively promotes and even finances (with her own money and ours) the murder of babies in the womb. And why should this shock us by any degree? I’m not saying that the Pope and his cadre of yes men are communing with the Devil, but…
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