‘Catholic Supremacists’ Are Creepy and Dumb


‘Catholic Supremacists’ Are Creepy and Dumb

It was with considerable doubt that I read in Tom Woods’s The Church and the Market that he dedicated and targeted the work to traditional Catholics who had, from his point of view, erred in embracing redistributionist ideals that, if taken to their logical conclusion, amounted to outright socialism.

I had not encountered such people. It was a given to me that if one was an orthodox and faithful Catholic, it logically followed that the Decalogue and a historically-situated reading of the New Testament forbade plunder and pillaging. Radical, I know.

Oh, forgive my naivete, good doctor!

Now, we have the weird combination of “pope-splainers” and Catholic supremacists who spend their days donning blinders to Jorge Bergoglio’s ape-church pronouncements and advocating for new world order injustices which are really just resuscitated old world order injustices. AFTER ALL, they declare, economic geniuses like John XXIII and Paul VI declared these economic objectives to be binding, indelible truths, to which every CATHOLIC must give assent.

What follows is both a telling and disturbing exchange with one of the lost:

If you are a Catholic who thinks everything from your economics to your taste in music ought to be subject to the Magisterium (including this current iteration)–stop it, wake up, and seek Confession for being slavishly and galactically subservient and dumb.

Perhaps a penance from a real bishop in Tyler, Texas is the best remedy?


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