Chappelle or Incel

Choose to be free and funny.
There is a stark benefit to living today.
It’s more clear than ever who constitute the evil, the malevolent, the Puritanical, and the mad. They are almost univocally in masks, lapping up any report from CNN, uncritically claiming ownership of the ‘science’, and unable to recognize that Australia is a totalitarian penal colony yet again. They wish they were down-under! After all, Australians are not just descendants of prisoners but also the soldiers and guards. How long will it be until the annals of history extrapolate and rename “Stockholm Syndrome” to “Sydney Syndrome” so as to describe those instances–all too numerous already–when a state imprisons, well, everyone? Over under= a decade, God willing.
The virtuous, the amiable, the partiers–that is to say the joyful and previously normal–are the ones who can’t let themselves be sedated–literally and figuratively. This crew is what the great Thomas Sowell called those who possessed the “constrained” worldview, and in his book Intellectuals and Society, he says we have the “vision of the damned”. That sounds dark, but it is wholly better than the opposite “vision of the anointed”. The damned consider the fallen nature of man and are cognizant of natural limitations on us. Meanwhile, the Fauci’s and Birx’s (Where’s she been? Extended ugly scarf sale at Nordstrom Rack?!), the Bergoglio’s and the Biden’s, everybody at Davos and Brussels believe themselves to be the new priests and priestesses, who like the chief priests of old were the only ones who could enter the Temple Sanctuary in Jerusalem. Today’s Holiest of Holies are “democracy” and “science”, and we plebs are stuck to simply believe that the secrets revealed by the Oracles at the Capital and Pentagon, the CDC and NIH ought to be obeyed without exception. Do you not believe?!
Forget Covid. How do we fight against the tyranny of the self-anointed? Sure, I have to give it to a good portion of the French and those Australians who seem to have had ancestors who did not enjoy their prison stay. An occasional Southwest pilot. There is something too to be said for the guy or gal who simply won’t don a face diaper because, well, he or she is an adult human being. Good on you! And to those NASCAR fans, wherever the hell you are out there, LET’S GO BRANDON indeed.
But, might open and outright humor and ridicule be the best balm? And, when I assert this, I don’t mean ridiculing people per se–the sane should not go into an asylum and mock the inmates, whether the crazies admitted themselves or not. The healthiest thing is to laugh at the stupidity. Undermine the narrative with a sly look. Remind the control freaks that they can’t control your thoughts. Your mind and wit and spirit and soul are free. I’m reminded of St. Lawrence who, while he was being grilled to death (not in the sense of harsh interrogation mind you) told his torturers: “You can turn me over now: This side’s done.”
Before it comes to that though, in the meantime, let’s just take in and appreciate the genius of Dave Chappelle. As the great Zuby said just today in an interview: Let’s face it, “Dave Chappelle is un-cancelable.” Oh, those ultra-Puritan trans folks–actually the hyper-virtue signaling woke-ists speaking on their behalf–they’d like nothing more than to grill Chappelle. And why? Because he makes fun of their alternative reality. He makes fun of the constant need for the woke to identify more and more groups of supposedly marginalized who can’t speak for themselves and need real leftist-patriarchy. He makes fun of people who infantilize others to make themselves feel good and powerful. And, he is so damn good at it.
In essence then, there are two choices: be with Chappelle or go with the incels, those poor dudes and dudettes resentful of the sex and fun that well-adjusted and attractive people are having. After all, is there really any difference at all between the guy who’s living in grandma’s basement playing Call of Duty all day and the Antifa ze who takes to Twitter to get Netflix employees to aimlessly walk out of work? I suggest not. All of them need to find lives with consequence. Desperately.