Collective Moral High Ground is About An Inch from Hell

Collective Moral High Ground is About An Inch from Hell

Haven’t we had enough of this thing already?

The pseudo-cure and hysteria rising from it are certainly worse than the virus.

Quarantines have NEVER proven to be successful in combating pandemics. Add to the imposed isolation economic misery, supply downturns, mass unemployment and governments blowing up their currencies, well, how long can the ruling class continue with this destructive charade?

Do you get the sense–as I do–that the especially progressive apparatchiks are in such a bizarre state of moral superiority over this to the extent that they don’t want to see a quick end to it all? I mean, they are getting everything they could want: Fame–the cameras are on them. Power–who’s talking about civil rights and liberties?! Most of all, compliance from indoctrinated-in-statism populaces.

Russia, China, South Korea, and Japan–all up and running. But, the John Dewey disciples say, that’s because their governments are being irresponsible…

The Orange Man speaks of a medicinal solution that doctors are already saying provides hope, and the Herbert Croly apostles are dismissive because, well, it’s Trump. If only we had a true crusader like Woodrow Wilson. Of course, they won’t dare check the history of what Wilson did during the Spanish Flu epidemic because it ends up being nothing, as he drove himself mad attempting to be emperor of the world through ratification of the League of Nations.

Most odious of all, perhaps, is the monopolizing of the moral high ground by the Newsomes, Pelosis, Pritzkers, and Cuomos of the world. Give me a f—ing break!

Live Action finally stepped up and called them out on their blatant hypocrisy:

These four horse-people of the apocalypse have sterling, murderous records when it comes to genocide in the womb, and they then have the absolute gall to lecture us about how every human life is sacred?! Come on! This is such a bizarro world that Orwell on an acid trip couldn’t come up with this!


Free, mutual cooperation–otherwise known as capitalism and society–shut down by capricious whim and government fiat. Chaos and real suffering–especially for the poor–reign. And where are the Church leaders? Why, they closed the doors, bowing to Herod and Pilate, and not the Incarnate Word made Flesh! Not many Mores or Bonhoeffers among them, to be sure.

Some powers are happy with all of this, natural and supernatural.

We need not be.


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