Contra Cupich

Contra Cupich

What an embarrassment.

Blase Cupich is a priest who was CONSTANTLY at the bottom of his seminary classes–and in the era he attended–that Is quite the feat. One had to almost try to be dense in that collection of low wits.

Blase Cupich is a bishop who when in Spokane, urged seminarians in his diocese NOT to support the 40 Days for Life Prayer Vigils that have proven so effective in reducing the murders of the unborn.

Blase Cupich is a bishop who since arriving in Chicago thanks to Jorge Bergoglio in Rome has done everything to crush the Church here. He closes viable parishes and schools while propping up those in minority, largely non-Catholic areas because he is the social justice warrior no one needs. He phones in speeches at the March for Life in Chicago. When the State called for churches to be closed because of the Co-Vid “pandemic” hysteria, Cupich was all on board. Not a peep out of him when liquor stores and casinos were opened and deemed essential. I mean, have we come to terms with yet, as Catholics, the fact that our bishops locked their own churches’ doors during the Paschal Triduum! The Catholic Church with its rich heritage of scientific inquiry and scholastic brilliance has this man as the “shepherd” of one of the largest and most influential sees in the world–and he’s still ordering masks to be worn at Mass like the most vigilant of Karens, compounded by 50% attendance with absurd “social distancing”, with non-sensical disinfecting of pews, with mandates against meetings for confraternal and sororal societies, and the list goes on and on. He is guaranteeing a considerably smaller percentage of Catholics here ever return to those Lysol drenched pews.

Blase Cupich is a bishop and voice in the USCCB who previously defended the Vatican’s unnecessary delay in releasing the McCarrick Report, the one detailing the decades of sexual predation of America’s most influential and most well-connected cleric. Sexual abuse victims rightly howled, but that fell on Cupich’s immensely sensitive albeit selectively deaf ears.

Blase Cupich is a bishop who, like Wilton Gregory, like Joseph Tobin, like Donald Wuerl owes his career to Theodore McCarrick and just like McCarrick, he knows where his bread is buttered. He has the personality and charisma of a wet rag, so there’s no hope for him in arousing the faithful to contribute more to the Archdiocesan coffers, so he goes mitre in hand to J.B. Pritzker and now, to you know who–Joe Biden.

Blase Cupich is a shill for the State, so when his fellow bishop-invertebrates momentarily rediscovered their spines and issued the most milquetoast and obvious statement about inherent disagreements the Church has with America’s new pseudo-Catholic president, well, Blase roared on Twitter–the same platform from which he was more than happy to see the prior president get banned:

Blase Cupich is a Twitter subscriber who suffers from such a paucity of independent thought and diction that he can’t help but use establishment catch words like “precedent” and “ill-conceived” to defend the institution that Our Lord so often warred against. But, Cupich is willing to hunt down dissident–of course orthodox–clergy and laity who speak out against the heterodoxy that pervades Chicago’s churches and schools, inside the walls for liturgy and instruction/indoctrination as well as out, where Chicago is a killing field of the unborn.

Blase Cupich is a coward. And in the absence of a Chicago version of Dante Alighieri, I will humbly take the mantle and demand he repent or resign. I hope for his eminence’s sake, his eternal destiny–it is the former. Best for us if it is both.



One Response

  1. HoftheEast says:

    Sign the petition here:

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