Cuba, Communism and Christus Rex

Cuba, Communism and Christus Rex


Fr. Patrick Baikauskas, O.P.–of worldwide fame and acclaim–preaches on Christ the King.

This is a good homily from a great priest, who meets Christ’s people where they are.

My comments/points of clarification on it follow:

Communism is never directed–by its nature–toward the preferential option for the poor, toward authentic charity, toward true Christian freedom, toward Christ Himself Who was killed by a totalitarian regime. Its essence is envy and fear and hate of the imago Dei.

Cubans were made literate to be indoctrinated with Marxist axioms and platitudes. Cuba features navigable roads between the cities so as to allow for the easy transport of the military to suppress rebellion. Even then, you can be sure that both of those evil endeavors were carried out with crushing inefficiency and cronyist waste.

Communism in all its abominable forms and mutations is inimical to Christianity, because in the end whether it is the state, or society, or socialist man (per Marx) who becomes king, it is never, never the God made Man, always man (Tiberius, Cromwell, Robespierre, Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Hitler, Mao, Pol Pot and Castro) made god.


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