Dishonest Abe

Dishonest Abe

The American History iconoclasts are very busy these days, not unlike the Jacobins during the French Revolution, they switch seamlessly from guillotining statues to cancelling people. This is what the modern, Western left has become.

While the sane and healthy rightfully lament that statues of Stonewall Jackson, Robert E. Lee, and yes even Frederick Douglass are toppled by activist-ignoramuses, those against tyranny might take solace in the moment as Lincoln himself has been defaced. Or, with such vapid intent, is it wrong to celebrate the ends?

Very prescient, then, is a debate that addresses whether or not the Lincoln Memorial should come down

How about a book that reveals the truth of a principled and brilliant Jefferson Davis versus the utterly mendacious and even maniacal Abraham Lincoln?

Finally, the coup de grace, Thomas DiLorenzo’s latest take down of the deified Lincoln:


Having a knowledge of this is important as it is easy to see that the conflicts of today are rooted in the successful dismantling of the Jeffersonian, federal republic–a dismantling that Lincoln achieved during the Civil War, and posthumously, that republic’s burial by the Sumners, Stevens, Wilsons and Roosevelts of American history.

And to think, it had little to nothing to do with slavery and a whole lot to do with the tariff. Understand the tariff and you understand much of American history.



One Response

  1. Genni Pereira says:

    I am no history scholar but I recently read a book of history coming from the position of the central bank in our history and the issues it has caused. It was very interesting. My mom is more knowledgeable of history so I am making her read it and tell me what she thinks 🙂

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