Douche and Turd; Bees and Birds…

Douche and Turd; Bees and Birds…

So sad that I missed the great ‘Douche and Turd’ South Park episode (season 8, episode 8), that is, until today when I saw it.

If there is a better descriptor and subsequent repudiation of public choice vs. free market election, I do not know it.

I wonder if the great James Buchanan ever saw it…

How could one ever vote again?


A further riff on that:

Imagine for a moment that you hear of a club forming in your area that piques your interest. Could be anything from a bee-keeping society to a bird-watching club.

During the first few meetings you attend, the clubs really seem on the ball. All the people at the meeting either are versed in everything pertaining to the birds or the bees, or they appear authentically interested in learning more. This latter group wears their respective passions on their sleeves, and while a few strike you as maybe too obsessed with the interest or just plain weird–still, it seems you have found a home of sorts. You even concede–after some discussion–to pay dues to fund the club’s activities.

Then, over a certain period of time, you notice that, well, the leadership engages in pursuits ruinous of the essentials to the club. Sure, they talk a good game about bee-keeping and bird-watching, including the merits of each practice, they however talk more so about the necessity of staying a member of the club. Their clubs are the best bees and birds clubs around. All others are inferior–even hostile. The antagonism towards rival groups rises to such a fever pitch that more and more dues are demanded of the original members. When the original members’ fees don’t cut it, newer and new members are obligated to pay ever-increasing fees.

What further distresses you is the fact that you see some of those weirdos you encountered in the first meetings ascend to positions of power. They meet in secret. They advance ridiculous, inane proposals like killing off a segment of bees and birds so that other, similar clubs cannot enjoy bee-keeping and bird-watching activities.

Yikes. It’s time to get out of the club. YOU NEVER SIGNED UP FOR THIS, after all. However, when you say you’re through, the club tells you that you can’t leave. Dues are mandatory, for life (and beyond–“Did you not read the [implied] fine print?”). You complain that the new management is working to undermine the very essence of the club–its original purpose–even though at the time of the founding, you and many others admitted that you could have just done the bee-keeping and bird-watching things on your own, or with organic friendships you formed, sans institution.

But then there’s the coup de grâce (or so they consider it): YOU VOTED. YOU CONCENTED TO THIS.

The fact that the majority accepts that idea as valid and the fact that the same, sweeping majority worships democracy–a god that has clearly failed–represent the reasons why we’re left with Washington, Springfield, the CIA, the NSA, the FBI, the IRS, the Department of Agriculture….

All of them are populated by douches and turds.




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