Down with the Institutionalists

Down with the Institutionalists

Leave it to American people storming their own legislative building to get Lindsay Graham, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi and Mitch McConnell to clutch their pearls and scurry into underground tunnels for safety. Why–this is the greatest affront to American democracy… ever! They may have a point, especially when you consider how Mitch and company define “democracy”. Decade after decade of Washington swamp creature leadership has so utterly vitiated any positive notion of democracy that the term is now defined as defending the sacred nature of institutions that, in reality, rob the American people of self-rule. What is their greatest fear, beyond of course losing re-election and getting a real job? It is the American citizenry coming to its senses to acknowledge what was true even before Joe Biden graced Washington with his stellar intellect, two score and seven years ago–that the whole apparatus, the whole system, the Union, the federal behemoth is crumbling. These supposed sacred and inviolable institutions, with their odd cultish rituals and sacraments, ought to be not just questioned, but worse, ridiculed. Such is beyond the pale for McConnell and Co.

Just months ago as riots raged across the country, most of them far, far away from Washington, Black Lives Matter and Antifa “protestors” looted and burned people’s businesses. It took a relative eternity for progressives to condemn the rioters, and that came only when polls showed most ordinary Americans didn’t really like the idea of cities and towns burning. But, that was private property. The Capitol Building is the cathedral of the STATE–the holiest of holies. How dare the ordinaries breach the walls?!

This is McConnell from last night:

The United States Senate will not be intimidated. We will not bow to lawlessness or intimidation. We are back at our posts. We will discharge our duty under the Constitution and for our nation… This afternoon, Congress began the process of honoring the will of the American people and counting the Electoral College votes. We have fulfilled this solemn duty for over two centuries under all matter of threats, even the ongoing armed rebellion of the Civil War, the clockwork of our democracy is carried on. The United States and the United States Congress have faced down much greater threats than the unhinged crowd we saw today.”

Wait, it gets better:

Criminal behavior will never dominate the United States Congress. This institution is resilient. Our democratic republic is strong. The American people deserve nothing less.”

And nothing more.

McConnell is so wrong here and wrong in so many ways–quality and quantity–it is hard to know where to start.

  • The Senators know little of the Constitution and certainly don’t abide by it.
  • Since when is counting electoral votes a solemn duty?! It is at best perfunctory.
  • That crowd becoming the greater consciousness of the rest of the country IS your existential threat.
  • Criminal behavior is the business of the United States Congress. Plunder, larceny, war, genocide, debt, and the worst crime of all–unwarranted self-aggrandizement are the Congress’s bag, baby. They are not warriors or priests, but they sure do love the uniform and the oils when it suits them.

McConnell’s obsession, as is that of John Roberts, is to protect the allure of integrity of the institutions they serve. It is not public service. It is not democracy, not that 50.1% rule should be a value anyway. It is not public service. Good God.

The solution is ending the powers wielded by them and returning them to the states. Anything short of that, nullification and then secession. Again, what does Alabama have to do with Oregon?

The fault of the rebels at the capitol yesterday is that they were fighting to preserve the federal government and its integrity. Unfortunately that ship has long sailed, like the wholesome high school crush who turns from Hannah Montana to Miley Cyrus in adulthood.

Finally, the great Thaddeus Russell has it right:




11 Responses

  1. Paul Manly says:

    I guess government doesn’t like no-knock raids when it happens to them?

  2. Another Concerned Fenwick Alumni says:

    It’s frankly laughable to hear you purport to believe in states rights at this point. All these bullshit election accusations have been staunchly anti-states rights. By counting all electoral college votes, Congress was in fact doing what you called for: “returning power TO THE STATES.” Read up on Texas v. Pennsylvania. (Oh wait, sorry. This is probably also fake news. I heard we can’t believe in the Supreme Court now either. 🙄)

    Also hearing you call Fenwick’s president a “pseudo-priest” is rich coming from a seminary drop out.

    • Quite the illusory world in which you live…

      Unless you’re identifying as “they”, you are a “concerned Fenwick alumnus or alumna”, not “alumni”. Good try though.

      Counting electoral votes is not some grand exercise of federalism. As I wrote in the entry, it’s largely perfunctory. I’m not sure about your objections to my arguments because your post is so illogical and meandering. Texas V. Pennsylvania was right to be rejected by SCOTUS because Texas does lack standing. The decision said nothing about whether Pennsylvania violated the U.S. Constitution by not respecting its own state legislature’s statutes about the conduct of Pennsylvania’s election–which it did. Pennsylvania has every right to conduct its election in whatever way its legislature sees fit–even without having a popular vote at all, I would contend. I would also contend that because of PA and other states’ imposition of a national executive who the Texas AG believes was fraudulently elected, then Texas has every right to nullify laws it deems unconstitutionally enforced upon them and in the last resort, secede.

      I do have sympathy for you because you have been led to believe (perhaps it seems, deeply indoctrinated to believe) that the United States is a nation per se. You stood up and like a sheep every school day, simply recited the Pledge of Allegiance without much critical thought, asserting that this is “one nation (false), indivisible (false)…” This has imprisoned your mind so much that you believe that anyone thinking outside of the box of government illegitimately and coercively imposing its will upon people, that this challenge constitutes not just alternative thought, but an assault on who you are. So my pity for you is genuine. Your intellect is in somewhat self-imposed chains. Read my thoughts more here on this beautiful site: I’m giving you a key…

      Also, leaving priestly formation in this era is a hallmark of great prudence and divine grace. I opted out. I had to marry my Eastern European model in the future, after all… That being said, I credit all of the faithful and orthodox men in formation who, despite constant heresy, cowardice, and immorality swirling all around them–which truly imperiled their vocation–they nonetheless persevered and are holy priests today. I’m happy here giving out keys.

  3. Iris says:

    Apologies for this being split into multiple comments, I could not find a way to post it all in one comment. I genuinely would like to know why you feel that this is “protecting democracy” and the Black Lives Matter movement was not. (I’m just assuming you think this because of how you portray the BLM movement in your article so if I am wrong please correct me). Those who stormed the capitol were armed, unlike the incredibly large majority of those who participated in the peaceful BLM protests.

    • Anonymous says:

      You said it best brother

    • 1. Pretty clear that I don’t want to protect “democracy” which is a fiction.
      2. Capitol rebels/protestors/rioters should be faulted for trying to protect a non-entity, at least as it’s purported to be still a part of this non-representative republic.
      3. The Capitol is public land. BLM is a Marxist organization, more so corporation, that encourages looting of private property.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for this site- not because it offers anything of value to political discourse, but because it rightfully led to your demise as a teacher. Now you are out of education, with no platform other than this ghost town of a blog to air your grievances as the tumbleweeds roll by.

    • Ew. Nasty.

      My “demise” as a teacher as you put it came after I expended little effort in becoming the best, winningest teacher in the history of teaching. I had the largest class sizes ever. My opponents formed incoherent sentences in front of 18 honking cars in a parking lot.

      In school, students routinely chanted “We Love you!”. Couldn’t shut them up. I married an Eastern European model. I defeated a dumb-as-a-box-of-rocks principal and a pseudo-priest president bigly in every argument and way, that is when they dared to take me on in a debate. Little Richard indeed.

      I brought peace to the Middle West. I committed to no new war with the exception of eviscerating the thoughts of morons like yourself, Anonymous, aka. Low-Energy Intellect on my spectacularly successful and uber-popular platform, right here at Where would this site be without me?

      Do check out the Make Education Great Again (MEGA) shop and buy a t-shirt. I’d encourage you to buy one of my books or read one of my essays, but that would be a lot of punishment for you. Very difficult. Don’t want you to stroke out.

      I wish you nothing short of an easy recovery from the least virulent case of the Wuhan flu and an equally quick though highly improbable cure from your natural stupidity.

      May God bless America.

      • Concerned Fenwick Alumni says:

        hey, before you post…think!
        t – is this true?
        h – is it helpful?
        i – is it inspiring?
        n – is it necessary?
        k – is it kind?

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