Ecce Fidelis Servus, Sanctus Ioseph

Ecce Fidelis Servus, Sanctus Ioseph

A Blessed Feast Day of St. Joseph, to all Fathers, to all Good Priests, to all Workers, to all Men.


For several months now, I’ve been taking my kids to St. Mary of the Angels Church in Bucktown, Chicago for Mass. If you are unaware of St. Mary’s and live in the Chicago area, I do advise you take a ride to check it out. It is the largest church in square feet in the Archdiocese and is styled after St. Peter’s in Rome. Breathtaking.

Well, like other large churches, it has a crèche scene during Christmas. However, just beyond the crèche scene is an altar dedicated to St. Joseph. St. Joseph draws my attention to his statue holding the Child Jesus whenever we are there.

In the picture above, Joseph is in the background, just the way he would want it. Out of humility and charity, he gave totally of himself so as to glorify Jesus and Mary.

The script above him reads: Ecce fidelis servus= Here is the good and faithful servant.

Joseph was a man, an authentic man through and through; and in a mystery unto itself, it’s paradoxically clear that he was a student, an assiduous learner of the Holy Spirit–Who spoke to him in dreams–and later of his divine Son whom he held in his arms then saw grow into the MAN.


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