Hawks By Any Other Name and Clothing


Hawks By Any Other Name and Clothing

There sure were A LOT of Iranians and Iranian sympathizers in Baghdad for Soleimani’s funeral.

“Soleimani” from the Farsi via the Arabic means “man of peace”.

I don’t know what “Trump” means from Old Nordic, nor do I much care.

What I do care about, and the rest of the world ought to care about, is that these men and their aggressor cronies, vacuous neo-cons and lap-dog yes-men talk about peace only as a prelude to the next war.


I’m going to go ahead and rattle some conservative cages. These are self-imposed, self-constructed cells that need to be dismantled anyway…

The United States has no right to have a beef with Iran whereas Iran has nearly every right to have a beef with the United States government.

From a text exchanged with a dear friend from last night:

And, that laundry list of heinous acts against Iran and Iranians only covers about one-third of the crimes perpetuated. I left out the crippling economic sanctions that are the favorite measures of US presidents and Congresses which have been proven time and time again only to impoverish innocents and strengthen authoritative regimes. Why, it’s not us, your totalitarian, corrupt government that suppresses you, it is the Great Satan! It’s a very simple argument to sell.


There are so many good sources and arguments already available on the matter, but allow me to highlight several. First, Tulsi Gabbard. Yes, she’s horrible on nearly every other subject, but on the warfare state, she’s simply great:

Then, there’s the most consistent MF-er (and Christian conservative) you know–Dave Smith along with Pete Raymond–who breaks it down for everyone in the most clear, succinct and even entertaining ways.

Finally, the guys and gals at Antiwar.com have been so insightful.

BTW, so much for having Rand Paul be the front man for US-Iran relations. Anyone who can’t figure out whose advice to heed–the Paul’s or the Podheretz’s of the world–should not be president of the United States. Impeach on that.


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