Maryland Hunts Its Citizens with Unaccountable Paramilitary Force

Maryland Hunts Its Citizens with Unaccountable Paramilitary Force

The fact that the murder of Duncan Lemp has garnered so little attention across the country and in major media outlets reveals just how precarious the state of liberty is at the moment, COVID-19 or no COVID-19.

If a police force can invade the home of a 21-year old, launch stun grenades into his basement, shoot him and then let him exsanguinate without medical help in front of his pregnant girlfriend and his parents, well, then how far are we really behind the American iron curtain? Not a shred of accountability follows for the cowardly cops and their bureaucratic enablers in Maryland, wherein fabricating evidence to obtain warrants (knock or no-knock*) wins for police nothing but a warning or suspension with pay and pension. What a sham! What catastrophic injustice!

All of this reminds me of what I call the Spooner/Deist** Principle; namely, that the law is what the state feels and wills to enforce. The Bill of Rights exists as nothing but a floor mat now.

The Reason Magazine piece on Duncan’s murder is here.

Pete Quinones and Dave Smith (rightly) dedicated an entire episode of Part of the Problem to the case and travesty here.

The GoFundMe for Duncan and his family can be found here.

*WTF is a “no-knock” warrant?! I understand that the purpose of such is to keep those in possession of drugs and guns (which they should be allowed to have anyway!!!) from disposing of them before the cops can enter after knocking, but is that not the intent of the law anyway?! If an addict flushes crack down the toilet in a knock-raid, is mission not accomplished?! That is, without breaking, entering and killing people?!

**Named after geniuses and defenders of liberty, respectively Lysander Spooner in the 19th century and Jeff Deist of our own.


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