FreedomFest Bound

FreedomFest Bound

It’s official: I’ll be speaking at the great Mark Skousen’s FreedomFest in South Dakota in July.

I’m scheduled to debate the great libertarian Doug Casey on the subject of liberty and Catholicism. Will be standing room only…

I’ll also be serving on a panel about Bitcoin. Catholicism and cryptocurrency go well together.

Finally, I’m honored to be one of two speakers who graduated from Divine Infant Grade School in Westchester, Illinois. Former classmate and dear old friend TK Coleman

will be on stage as well. What are the odds?! What was in the water back then in grade school?!

Live free and live happy; Healthy, wealthy and wise.



4 Responses

  1. John Murphy says:

    Gary, I attended your FreedomFest debate on Catholicism and thought you did a super job! I don’t think Casey was ready to debate someone who could call him on his BS.
    Perhaps next year you could lead a discussion on why it’s time to retire the current occupant of the papal chair.

    • John-
      Thanks so much for attending the debate! Grateful too for the kind words/compliments. I also was surprised that Doug fell into some rhetorical, logical, and ahistorical traps that I laid out for him.

      I would LOVE (despite caritas not being a “Roman” virtue!) the chance to advocate for the removal of Bergoglio from the See of Peter. It is actually long overdue.

      By that time, I will have finished my (eye-opening) history of the United States book, so I’ll hopefully be able to push that as well.

      Look forward to meeting you in person. Until then, Godspeed.

  2. Elise says:

    I should take a road trip! That’s so great and very exciting for both of you.

    • Get on the bus, Gus!!!

      Imagine you in SD! The state would never be the same…

      You and hubby want to tear up Rapid City with me and TK and about 5,000 other libertarians–get up there!

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