He’s Dying. Permissive Catholicism Is Dead.


He’s Dying. Permissive Catholicism Is Dead.

As I’ve said consistently since this disaster of a pontificate launched back in 2013, Jorge Bergoglio is the embodiment of a dead pseudo-faith that peddles in cheap mercy. I would go so far as to call it ‘fiat mercy’ because it is full of empty remission of sin and guilt, devoid of justice and a call to conversion–what St. Paul called ‘metanoia’. And, if there was ever a man who knew how essential radical conversion was to receive grace and salvation, it was the Pharisee Saul who saw Stephen stoned and believed it to be just.

This week, Pope Francis affirmed that his life and pontificate is fading away, but that with Tucho Fernandez et al., it is not going to go out without what the French refer to as a ‘baroud d’honneur‘ or a showy, spectacular, often futile last stand. Better, in the light of the Sacred Doctrine of the Catholic Church, this is a ‘baroud de déshonneur‘–a dishonorable coda to a cacophonous, deplorable, and diseased reign in the See of Peter.

In contradiction and contravention of the Church’s teaching on homosexual relations and relationships (not to mention his own instructions on the matter from just two years ago), Francis issued his best ‘the emperor has no clothes’ pronouncement yet–Fiducia Supplicans. Like most of Francis’s thought, it is a mish-mash of serpentine, meaningless distinctions supplemented by meandering ill-logic.

Trust us, declare Bergoglio and his Peronist homosexual courtiers, blessing (from the Latin, ‘benedicere‘ meaning ‘to speak well of’) homosexuals actively engaged in celebrated sodomy is not calling upon God’s approval of their “relationship” but rather a blessing of the individuals within it. Huh? The blessing is not a sacrament, but it does have sacramental character. From the document itself:

[A] blessing may be imparted that not only has an ascending value but also involves the invocation of a blessing that descends from God upon those who—recognizing themselves to be destitute and in need of his help—do not claim a legitimation of their own status, but who beg that all that is true, good, and humanly valid in their lives and their relationships be enriched, healed, and elevated by the presence of the Holy Spirit.” -Fiducia Supplicans

Yes, because we all know homosexuals who want to receive a blessing, as couples, who see the blessing as an occasion to be healed of the inclination to sodomy and intrinsically disordered acts, right?! No! They are there precisely to receive the Church’s approval of said grievous acts, and Francis and Tucho are ready to provide it.

On a good note here, though: As much as these heretics and apostates in the hierarchy wish like mad to subvert and change God’s law, the essence of human sexual capacity is ordered toward procreation, union and pleasure. Homosexuals can profess to have the last–whatever–but they certainly do not possess the prior two. In fact, condemnation is to come to the ones calling upon God to ‘speak well of’ the slavery and death that comes with such sin.

Revelation shows that warring against divine law ends up being really bad for the recalcitrant.

The dilapidated wagon of permissive Catholicism is creaking along, but the edge of the cliff is very, very near. How strange then, that sanctity comes from refusing its cheap trinkets and its dead, false, comfortable promises.



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