Hi Cardinal Dolan; It’s Me, 2019…


Hi Cardinal Dolan; It’s Me, 2019…

Cardinal Dolan of New York writes in a WSJ op-ed today that the Democratic party has “abandoned” Catholic school children and the unborn.

No shit, Sherlock.

This just dawned on him today, or even this year?

Why doesn’t he actually apply canon law and excommunicate Governor Cuomo and any other “Catholic” for whom it is abundantly clear that they have eschewed the “personally-opposed-but” semantic veil to reveal their true, formal intent?


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again; with a hierarchy like this, it is one of God’s greatest miracles that the Church in the West is still (albeit somewhat) functional…

2 Responses

  1. Fact! Why the wrath of the Almighty has not fallen on all us is a sign of His patience….which is wearing thin…

    • I pray constantly for good religious and priests like you! How you’re surviving and remaining holy with patience for the day of reckoning is in and of itself an abundant grace.

      As a friend connected with a group of Hebrew Catholics here in Chicago reminds me: Have you ever seen a Jewish mother clean house? It is total and you don’t want to be in the way! What then will it look like when the Holy Mother of God empowered by the Holy Spirit cleans her Son’s house?!

      I know two things: 1) I want to be there to see it. 2) I hope I am on my knees in prayer and supplication when it comes to pass.

      As Indiana Jones said advancing toward the Grail: “Only the penitent man will pass!”

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