His Seat Might Not Be Empty, But His Head Certainly IS


His Seat Might Not Be Empty, But His Head Certainly IS

I mean, come on now…

His papal insignia should read, “Quisque” or “Whatever”.

Bergoglio stuns the world again with his immense theological (more so heretical) insights.

Did he mandate all St. Louis Jesuit hymns, like “All Are Welcome” and “Gather Us In” translated into Spanish and performed in churches throughout Buenos Aires during his unfortunate run there?


One Response

  1. Been debating with sedes again…

    I just can’t get there; but as I said above, it is getting harder and harder not to admit of an empty see…

    My major stumbling block is again, how intentional (formal) the heresy is and how much it leads the otherwise faithful to error. Ex. St. Peter at Jerusalem re: circumcision…

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