If Our Draconian, Totalitarian Measures Save Just One 89-Year Old With COPD and a Month to Live While We Sanction the Murder of Thousands–Well, It Is Worth It


If Our Draconian, Totalitarian Measures Save Just One 89-Year Old With COPD and a Month to Live While We Sanction the Murder of Thousands–Well, It Is Worth It

It should not be a surprise that the best writing on the COVID insanity/hysteria comes from the always brilliant and erudite Jorg Guido Hulsmann.

That he reports from France and that he understands our current madness within the nation that has produced such heroes of liberty (DeTocqueville, Bastiat) and on the other extreme, Marats, Dantons, Saint-Justs, and Robespierres–is all the more informative.


The entire piece (A Protest from France) is superb, but one passage surely stands out:

Now, in the traditional conception, the state is supposed to protect and promote the common good. Protecting the lives of the citizens might therefore, arguably, justify massive state interventions. But then the very first questions should be: how many lives are at stake? Government epidemiologists, in their most dire estimates – the factual basis is still not solidly established – have considered that about ten percent of the infected persons might be in need of hospital care and that a large part of those would die. It was also known, by mid-March already, that this mortal threat in the great majority of cases concerned very old people, the average Covid19 victim being around 80 years of age….

The claim that wartime measures, which threaten the economic livelihood of the great majority of the population and also the lives of the poorest and most fragile people of the world economy – a point on which I will say more below – in order to save the lives of a few, most of whom are close to death anyway, is an extraordinary claim, to say the least….

Without going into any detail, let me just highlight that this contention squarely contradicts the abortion policies that western governments have applied since the 1970s. There, the reasoning was exactly the other way round. The personal liberty and comfort of the women who wished to abort their children were given priority over the right to life of these yet unborn children. According to WHO figures, each and every year, some 40-50 million babies are aborted worldwide. In 2018 alone, more than 224,000 babies have been aborted in France. However serious the current Covid19 pandemic may yet become, it will remain at a small fraction of these casualties. Not only have governments neglected to “save lives” in when it comes to abortions. They have in point of fact condoned and funded the killing of human beings on a massive scale.”


So, the next time some mid-to-no wit “karen” castigates you about not following orders, not wearing a mask, not holing yourself up in your basement, remind them of the utter hypocrisy above.


One Response

  1. The Crow says:

    And then the dumb-ass pope tells Catholics to obey the state…

    “Render” to Caesar has turned to tender everything, esp. liberty.

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