

This chapter of deflection theater has to be the most pathetic yet.

Congress appears to be in bipartisan support of railing against TikTok, condemning it as the source of all ills.

Ban it, the sops say. It is an arm of the Chinese Communist Party! The company spies on Americans. It manipulates the appetites of our otherwise healthy, well-adjusted and critically-thinking children! Oh, the children! Let us not allow them to be propagandized!

So there on the old tele today was poor TikTok CEO Mr. Shew Chou, a man all-too-conveniently dragged before the moron assembly known as the United States House of Representatives, to answer for all of the crimes committed against the American people. Exactly what those were seemed to have some strange resonance.

The charges:

  1. TikTok harvests data on Americans ranging from their physical movement to their ideological penchants.
  2. TikTok acts at the behest of the CCP and supplies that information to the Chinese government.
  3. The CCP subsidizes TikTok, or owns and operates it outright. TikTok, in short, is a governmentality.
  4. TikTok does not censure dangerous thought and expressions enough. Where is the oversight?!
  5. TikTok endangers the lives of unwitting Americans and undermines U.S. national security.



The national government in Washington–not in Beijing–spies and collects data from Americans, without cause, without warrant through the auspices of at least 17 intelligence agencies which have for years turned their attention to domestic citizens as opposed to foreign actors. The servers used to collect and mine that data are so large and run so hot that water from neighboring rivers has to be pumped in to cool the data facilities.

The Twitter files revealed that (surprise!) the FBI was working in such close coordination with social media companies that fed agents were on the payroll at pre-Musk Twitter. The Zuck admitted servile compliance with Washington’s diktats to censor any commentary about Covid, the election fraud of 2020, even any doubt of the veracity of the Russia hoax, Russia’s “unprovoked” war in Ukraine, or the multiplicity of “intelligence” officials who claimed Hunter’s laptop to be a Russian plant.

The major American social media companies are governmentalities.

The greatest threat to the well-being and lives of Americans is not located in some far off, exotic, “adversarial” capital, but in their own.

Point the finger all you want at TikTok. Pound that gavel and suppress free speech. But as you do, note the following:

  1. The U.S. federal debt stands at $31.6 trillion dollars.
  2. The national government followed the playbook of the CCP during Covid with such filial detail that CCP officials themselves must have been shocked by the level of self-destructive compliance.
  3. Banks connected with CCP-linked accounts a Silicon Valley Bank were bailed out. No Congressional hearings scheduled on that one.
  4. American girls’ average IQ has declined by 7 points since 2006; boys’ by 15 points. I’m sure that all had to do with TikTok and nothing to do with government education.
  5. The Biden Administration is engaged in a proxy war/cover up/money laundering scheme which uses Ukrainians as human cannon-fodder. Over $115 billion is the price tag so far.
  6. The Pentagon cannot account for trillions, yes, trillions of dollars. Congress is set to hand over to the Department of Defense the largest military allocation in U.S. history without a wisp of inquiry or audit.

BUT, TikTok, of course is the bane of our existence.

I wonder, if at the end, the Forum and Roman theaters featured productions as ludicrous and distractionary as what we are seeing now. The whole edifice was crumbling down, and so did the Romans run side-shows blaming Gothic-Norse gods from Valhalla for their plight?

Frankly, I’d do all the research and get back to you on that, but I’m more compelled to do a short video on it, post it to a Chinese-based platform, and have my followers like it… 



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