Jorge and Nancy Sitting in the Tree…

Jorge and Nancy Sitting in the Tree…


Boy is Pope Francis chummy with a woman who actively promotes and even finances (with her own money and ours) the murder of babies in the womb.

And why should this shock us by any degree?

I’m not saying that the Pope and his cadre of yes men are communing with the Devil, but if indeed they were, would his pontificate look any different? This results in what I have referred to as the true Francis Effect“. Sow division and call for univocal (progressive/universalist) unity. Declare that the bishops have determined the traditional Latin Mass divisive, when in reality a majority did not and a minority asserted it was life-giving. Proclaim St. Irenaeus as a Doctor of the Truth–true–then undermine the core doctrines that rendered him such. Even the demons can’t help but spout the truth, if only in the end said yelping is for their preservation and gain. (Mk.1:23-24)

Abortion is bad–Bergoglio likes to say. Synodality is good. But then he wrecks on both claims when he rolls out the blood stained red carpet for a genocidal maniac who has dedicated her life to the “right to choose” murder; a woman whose advocacy of abortion is as fervent as it is public and proud; a woman who has helped to make what ought to be the safest place in the world for an infant (his mother’s womb), the most dangerous place. Nancy Pelosi is also a woman for whom her own archbishop has asked for prayers and reparations to the end of her conversion. It appears Jorge likes synodality only when the local ecclesial authority and general culture agrees with his moves for “a different Church”.

So, the Francis Effect is the result of the causes above. Empty churches. Closed churches. Disbelief. Unbelief. Calumny. Confusion. Scattered sheep.

104 years ago today, the sun danced in Portugal. It was a miracle to prove what Our Lady had told three faithful children: The world must repent and cease angering her Son.

Is anyone listening?


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