Loyola Asked the Wrong Guy to Mentor


Loyola Asked the Wrong Guy to Mentor

I do admit: Perhaps a simple “no” would have sufficed.

But, I’m just not a “simple no” kind of guy.

The following is my response to Loyola-Chicago’s request that I participate in some mentorship program:

I suspect this program will indeed be helpful to a number of students.

That being said, I am probably the last person on earth you would want to employ as a “mentor”. It would be counterproductive to your operation.
I’d advise the following to every Loyola student with whom I had any contact:
1. Leave Loyola immediately. You are being actively robbed of precious years of your life and incredible sums of money only to learn that you could have accomplished much more in that time and that little to nothing of what you are imbibing will provide any utility to you whatsoever.
2. Why attend a faux-Catholic, Ape church school that continues to benefit from its Catholic identity (whatever that constitutes today, who knows) only to decry and lament the Holy Catholic Church’s doctrine in favor of secular progressivism, Loyola’s true religion that all the luminaries there cannot tell is their real creed? Loyola’s professors are excellent at refusing to recognize the self-evident. Either you’re Catholic and should be disgusted or you’re ‘other’ and should not buy into the grift.
3. Ask yourself, cui bono? Who stands to gain from your attendance at a university that operates in open contravention of what universities from their medieval origin existed to do? Fides quaerens intellectum will NEVER be mentioned to you, instead you will be fed apocryphal lines about the Dark Ages of supposed superstition all the while the powers that be in Rogers Park force you to take a death jab constructed from the kidney tissue of a live-aborted baby girl. Scientism is Loyola’s jam, along with peddling the attendant psychoses of collectivism and critical theory. Sure, it might still be too much of a shock to the system to erect statues of Trotsky and Adorno astride the Gentile Center, but if honesty prevailed, well their names would clearly replace the likes of Augustine and Pascal on the relief of Cudahy Library. Alas, they will stay as very distant and forgotten relics while your sociology professor assigns Marcuse—who, though you’ll never read him—will be praised to the nth degree because he says all the right things that lead you to espouse perpetual victimhood. Human agency be gone!
4. Cui bono: It is never you nor your relationship with the Lamb of God, the Eternal Word of God and the Truth and Light He revealed to the world. Loyola is like other established pseudo-Catholic universities: the self-imposed bushel basket is becoming thicker and tighter by the day. Get out from under it before your light is entirely snuffed out with it.
Not the best marketing bullet points, right?
No worries: I did the last bit of your work for you and unsubscribed myself from further emails. I’m sure that some fundraising mailings will still sneak their way into my mailbox, upon whose receipt will elicit from me the proper amount of dismissive laughter.
-Gary Richied


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