Maybe Putin is a Goodie?

Maybe Putin is a Goodie?

Has it not, given especially the hideous, monstrous and demonic actions of the West/Zionist cabal, become altogether clear that Putin is not the baddie we are told he is? Far from Put-ler to be sure.

With news of that Navalny character not being assassinated but rather dying of a blood clot–most probably from a Western clot-shot, not Sputnik V–it would not be too radical to seek out real estate in St. Petersburg. Better, Grozny or Sochi–middle age has brought with it a disdain for the cold pour moi… Good thing that Russia has a plethora of biomes and climates, not likely to change either, for there are as many chem-trails in Russia as there are child-mutilating hospitals. Zero. And both of those figures are unlikely to change.

Perhaps I can live on Edward Snowden Drive?

I take full credit for rightly assessing the whole Russia thing well before the invasion to de-Nazify and de-NATOfy (excuse the repetition there) Ukraine.

To the way back (two years ago) machine–click it and read, если вы решились…




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