Misandry and Its Discontents and Its Injustices


Misandry and Its Discontents and Its Injustices

Cassie Jaye deserves some sort of medal, award or honor.

Sure, it took heroic courage to release The Red Pill. But, all the more impressive was that–though she identified herself as a feminist at the start of the project–she ultimately came to recognize the axiomatic religiosity of radical, second wave feminism; that it is nothing short of evil. That takes sheer guts and incredible fortitude, to break with dogma that has formed one’s identity–an identity that is the rage of the day.

Have civilizations long survived if so many individuals within them languish in irreality while gorging themselves on vitriolic hate?

God protect our boys and save all just men.


One Response

  1. John_Quinlan says:

    Can anyone seriously say men, and white men in particular, are NOT being discriminated against?

    If white males are in a position of power, why do they always hesitate to fill in the race and gender boxes?!

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