Models, Models, and Mid-wits

Models, Models, and Mid-wits

This is a semi-gratuitous photo of Cindy Crawford in her heyday. Still, timeless beauty…

And then there’s this:

Posterity will look back and see timeless idiocy and complacency here, not beauty but obsequious bowing to the state. Beauty and truth are transcendentals for a reason; and there is synergy between them, thus the contrast between Ms. Crawford and the other model…


Here come the mid-wits. People capable of regurgitating the government and media and “medical expert” talking points.

But, they never ponder the veracity of:

  1. Do we know that asymptomatic carriers are contagious? Nope.
  2. Is the CDC full of shit and trying to justify its mere existence? Yep.
  3. Does “social distancing” at the arbitrary 6 feet even work? Probably not.
  4. Should we trust a government that has no restraints whatsoever on itself anymore? Nope.
  5. But, the government is granting us stimulus checks to help the poor and middle class, right? Remove head from rectal cavity.

See you all, face-to-face, face-to-mask(?) in a week or so.

First topic of conversation will be how a resuscitated Patrick Henry would be morally mandated to kick all of our asses–not to mention how our grandparents and great-grandparents should follow the Virginian’s lead, men and women who worked their hands to the bone so that we could squander that and then impoverish our children and grandchildren…

IF ever there was an age more deserving of the passenger treatment…



3 Responses

  1. Elise says:

    Thanks for keeping me entertained today. Hope all is well!

    • Great to hear from you E.W.

      Things would be better if civilization would make a reappearance…

      Hope you’re good and I’m glad to see the blog/website still entertains.

  2. MZ says:

    You were right.
    I was wrong.

    You’re smart.

    I’m dumb.

    You’re handsome.
    I’m not so good looking…

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