Nature–She Is a Sparing Partner at Best

Nature–She Is a Sparing Partner at Best

Superstition abounds.

You see it all around you in this hysterical age of fear.

The person, alone in their car, wearing a soiled, supposed-to-be-disposable mask.

Another, feverishly wiping down furniture.

So many others believing in every media narrative designed to provoke sheepish, irrational fear.


It emerges from a denial of death, or more precisely, a denial of our human nature, of real human life in its abilities and potentialities, but also its fallibility and limitations.


Decades ago, dear Clive Staples Lewis penned a great essay, “On Living in the Atomic Age”. Substitute “COVid hysteria” for “Atomic Age” and these are prescient and sagacious words indeed.

View and listen to it here:

We have four options then:

  1. Suicide.
  2. Epicurean profligacy.
  3. Rage against the machine.
  4. Theistic surrender that paradoxically makes us free.

When the world then ascribes to the first three, with #3 being the most popular, wherein we anoint diminutive bureaucrats as our saviors and whimsically pretend that they possess angelic powers, the good news appears as contrast all the better.

The truth is all the more vibrant when it is defied by a pope, by political hacks, by “scientific consensus” and worst of all by the self-proclaimed heroes of the medical community: The universe is not God, but a creation of Him. She is at best, not mother, but a sparing partner, and our place relative to her only will confound, frustrate, sadden and certainly destroy us if we do not elect the viability of #4.

Life in a bunker, separated from human contact, wearing a face diaper, left to peer out of windows at others; only eyes visible, sinister? This is a life of a beast prescribed by the demonic.

Life spent denying and then attempting to defy death; life looking at people as the real diseases. This is a life of the demonic.


True life is that which is relished. Life that finds joy in the most apparently mundane. Life which loves the other. Life in the Christ Who liberates us.


Live free, or you are already dead.



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