No One Ever Said ‘Be Like Barry’

No One Ever Said ‘Be Like Barry’

The world knows now that ‘The Last Dance’ is the best documentary film in history.

That’s right; you heard me Ken Burns with all your smug, pseudo-history on the Civil War, The War, baseball and jazz.

Perhaps only two things surpass the greatness of the ESPN doc series:

  1. The thrill of living through the 90’s–as I did–and witnessing the greatness of those Jordan teams.
  2. The astonishing level of audacious hypocrisy displayed by Barry Obama speaking about how disappointed he was that Michael Jordan did not endorse a black candidate for U.S. Senate.

This from a president who while campaigning and while in office never passed up selling out; who never passed up an opportunity to benefit himself or his political legacy at the expense of beleaguered peoples throughout the world.

  • Remember William Ayers and Jeremiah Wright? Barry basically denied ever knowing the guy who launched his political career and the guy who witnessed his marriage!
  • Checking in again–is GITMO closed?
  • While playing the race card every chance he got, Barry then went on to foment more Middle Eastern wars, killing more black and brown people–to do what? Create a Congress of Vienna-like ‘balance of power’ in the Levant as if it was 1814?! What a humanitarian, with his “presidential kill list“!
  • More black babies were aborted than born in New York City during his presidency. And, there he stood, proudly receiving the endorsement and money of the murderers-in-chief.
  • And, who instituted the separate families at the border policy, and cracked down all the more on “illegal immigration” and caging of people at the crossing? That’s right, the charming shyster-in-chief, Barry Obama…


This is why the establishment left is so hated in this country.


Jordan was said to have uttered: “Republicans buy sneakers too.” Damn straight. He understood the true representative nature of the marketplace as opposed to the monopolistic, insidiousness of politics. Plus, he had enough integrity to know that he couldn’t rightly endorse a guy about whom he knew little to nothing.

In other words, just like in the 90’s, in the 20-teens we’d be a lot better off being like Mike, especially should we yet again embrace rather than malign or envy greatness.

P.S. I’ll get my sweet retro Jordans in the mail next week. Though not a Republican, I do have amazing fashion sense.



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