Oh, So That’s What Intersectionality Means?!


Oh, So That’s What Intersectionality Means?!

I have long been confused by the term “intersectionality”–mainly because it constitutes nothing but modern cultural Marxist blather–but thanks to the astute and pretentious students (that is an admission requirement) at Notre Dame, I’ve finally figured it out.

BuzzFeed is reporting that a mother wrote a letter against female students wearing leggings to Mass.

Per reporter Ellie Hall, “In a letter to the editor titled ‘The Leggings Problem,’ printed in the Observer — the student newspaper for Notre Dame and neighboring schools St. Mary’s and Holy Cross — Maryann White lamented the popularity of the tight-fitting garment amongst the women students of these three Catholic colleges.”

The bigger story here is that Ellie Hall, Maryann White–and anyone else for that matter–actually think that Notre Dame, St. Mary’s and Holy Cross are actually still Catholic schools.


2 Responses

  1. AOC says:

    New course offering at ND this Fall… When Life Hands You Lululemons with Prof. Marianne White

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