Owning the Earthly Goalposts and the Next Frontier


Owning the Earthly Goalposts and the Next Frontier

What is the left, left to do?

When you own the culture—and everybody knows it, and as conservatives are left to watch the train as it has already left the station–new boundaries have to be drawn, goalposts moved.

Progressives still have to be the bold, counter-cultural ones though.

Remember when it was audacious to put that inane COEXIST bumper sticker on the back of your car? OK, I guess it was never that courageous, but what about the LOVE IS LOVE poster or iPad sticker? That was bold for about 10 minutes before Obama said he “evolved” on the issue.

At present, we have a pope (maybe anti-pope) dancing in front of Amazonian idols, AOC’s Green New Deal, Julian Castro’s free abortions for transgendered men (?!) platform, and a transgendered man stating that it is “violence” to mispronounce (get that) not “misgender” but mispronounce a transperson’s name.

Holy shit.

The goalposts are in space.

So continue to kowtow for approval, establishment conservatives. Good luck.

Yet again, an-cap libertarians have it right–fight to the dying breath against the state imposing this anti-human lunacy on us, and we’ll live free.

Otherwise, it’s pagan, male abortion, eco-fascist madness and death for all of us.

Choose Rothbard.


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